Your Development Cycle

Posted by FredFredrickson on July 20, 2006, 10:31 a.m.

Recently we had a discussion on this over at eo, but I thought what I typed up was blog-worthy, so I figured I'd post it here as well. Following is my own development cycle for a typical project, but I invite you to post your own here as well… it's neat to see how different the process is by which everyone does their work.

Here's how I generally run through the development of a game… Probably not the best way either, though it's similar to Pug's in a few ways.

<b>The Beginning</b>

Usually I'll get an idea, and then run it through my head for a while (especially if I'm at work, with no GM to goof around with). Then, if after all that bouncing around in my head it still sounds like a good idea, I'll whip up most of the graphics I'll need to make an engine, and then program the basic layout in GM. I'll usually fiddle with that for a long time too, until I am happy with the way it plays.

<b>Making It Into A Game</b>

At this point (and I should mention, almost entirely throughout the game's production) I will scrutinize the design, and really try to figure out if the game will be fun, what elements will make it fun, and how I need to program it to be as adaptive to new ideas as possible. I'll start making more graphics, and programming the graphical details I want in the game, and figure out if all the things I want to do are even possible.

I will even add some sound effects now, if I feel that it's absolutely necessary to get myself into the right mindset for the game.

Once I'm happy with a working room, with a working player object, I'll usually code a basic menu as well… so I can make sure that the game is ready to run through a series of rooms without having problems clearing things out of memory, crashing because of loose ends in my programming, etc.

<b>The Details</b>

When everything is mostly looking okay and playing the way I want it to, it's time to really start making all the graphics I'll need, as well as refine the programming and make everything smooth and slick. This is the part where the real work in graphics and programming need to be done, and it is often the point where I abandon a project because it is either too much of a mess to continue, or I feel that the game will become too big to develop by myself within a reasonable time frame. I'll go back and forth between graphics and programming, putting some new graphics in, programming the game so it uses them and makes them look right, and then loop the process until I've gotten everything into the game that I need.

I'f I am working on an online game, this is usually the point at which I work in that functionality as well, which usually adds a pretty significant amount of time to the production cycle.

<b>Polishing It Up</b>

Providing I've made it all the way to this point, the game is usually about as "finished" as it can be, without many sounds, music, and still with a few quirks here and there. I'll dig through the code and try to hammer out all the bugs, as well as create and add in sound effects that I think are appropriate. Sometimes I will make a large addition to the game at this stage, if it is really needed, but mostly this time is just for making sure that no weird bugs exist in the game, and that the sound and music are added in / working well.


Time to post the game on like 500 websites. Yay. This stage is sometimes more work than the actual game, hehe.

And there you have it… not that magical or glamorous, but that's how it all happens. A funny thing I have noticed so far is that a lot of people add sound in last, or close to last. I think sound should get as equal production time and attention as graphics, but I usually put it off 'til the end as well… probably because I'm a graphic artist at heart, and that's what I enjoy doing more. In any case, thanks for reading!


poultry 18 years, 7 months ago

make tons of different black squares that are different sizes that I think are appropriate

make the game with those black squares excluding the small things, such as menu's, etc

tell my musician and spriter to get off there ass and make the music and sprites

put all that together

I usually replace the sprites pretty fast, because it gets confusing…

poultry 18 years, 7 months ago

oh yea, then detail, polish it up and release O_o

Extravisual 18 years, 7 months ago

I generally get an awesome idea.

Think about the idea until I get the motive to start the game.

Write a few lines of nonworking code.

Get frustrated.

Throw the code out.

Give up.

I have never completed a game that way.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 7 months ago

This is how I'm doing/plan to do my WIP:

  • Work on graphics

  • Make the scripts and engine

  • Work on graphics, compose some sounds

  • Put the engine to work. Create the first draft

  • Work on graphics

  • Test it, writing down the bugs

  • Work on graphics

  • Polish it up, fixing the bugs

  • Work on graphics

  • Release the game

  • Prepare for the wave of noobs

    The amount of graphics in Bob 2, I've decided, are overwhelming.
  • mesenberg 18 years, 7 months ago

    my cycle usually goes


    2)making it into a game

    3)getting board

    4)scraping project

    Its hard when you fall into lazy cycles to make anything, I applaud those who have diligence enough to keep at projects for over a month. ^^

    Joewoof 18 years, 7 months ago

    Hmm. My development cycle goes like this.

    (1) Design Phase

    Actively look for a spark of inspiration. Once it appears, grab it, nurture it for any amount of time between 2 weeks up to a year (usually 1 month for a big concept). Take notes. More notes. Enough notes to fill up an entire notebook.

    (2) Production Phase Alpha

  • Graphics.

  • Codes.

  • Sounds.

  • Test.

  • Repeat until the game is playable.

    (3) Release Alpha (Tech) Demo

  • Get feedback from one forum and/or testers.

  • Make refinements to design and direction.

    (4) Production Phase Beta

  • Graphics.

  • Codes.

  • Sounds.

  • Test.

  • Repeat until the game is fleshed out.

    (5) Release Beta (Public) Demo

  • Get feedback from several forums and testers.

  • Polish details.

    (6) Production Phase Final

  • Graphics.

  • Codes.

  • Sounds.

  • Test.

  • Repeat until the game is completely finished.

    (7) Release Final Version
  • Tr00jg 18 years, 7 months ago

    1) Design.

    This usually comes from some idea that bored into my head. Design the game to death. I usually end up having games with one crucial element that I forgot in the design, leaving me 3/4 into the game dev with a not so nice game.

    2) Prototype.

    See if what I had in mind is actually fun, if not repeat 1.

    3) Build game to Beta point.

    4) Release Beta version. Polish

    5) Release Final!

    melee-master 18 years, 7 months ago

    Lucky you. I hardly get past step one. I also completely suck with graphics, so that makes it even harder for me (usually, if I have graphics, I'm a ton more motivated to code).

    Hatonastick 18 years, 7 months ago

    My cycle goes like this:

    1) The Idea. They tend to arrive like a flood. Bit like the one that Noah built a big boat for, although I'm more like the ones who stood around pointing and laughing ie. clueless.

    2) Design. I spend hours and hours drawing and writing, collecting all the various bits and pieces of information, research (if necessary), sorting and collating it all. If I'm really enthused I might even start working on some preliminary graphics, or start coding the base engine.

    3) Shiny thing. I get distracted by some game or other in the local EB Games store, buy it and spend the next week or so playing it. Game idea gathers dust and stores it all for the dust fairy to collect.

    4) Rinse and repeat.

    FredFredrickson 18 years, 7 months ago

    Hehe, yeah I do beleive it's quite handy to be proficient in the graphics department… But trust me, I get frustrated with my lack in the audio dept. pretty often when developing a game, so I *think* I understand what that feels like!