Hey everyone, I've been a bit busy with other things lately (web work, actual work, etc., etc.), but I wanted to show you an image of the title screen of Aster Blaster, as it looks right now. I hope to add an asteroid belt flying by, and of course, the actual menu, soon… When I do I will make sure Classic mode is finished and then release another demo. Until then, enjoy this screenshot.
The ship in the foreground is pre-rendered… everything else is being drawn in real-time by GM itself. The planet rotates, the clouds on it move, and the sun glows and shimmers. It looks better in motion. [:D]<img src="http://www.martincrownover.com/files/ab/menu_draft.jpg">
Awesome. Just awesome.
FredFredrickson used a smiley! *panics*How could it possiblu look better in motion ?_?
Amazing. Don't stop ^_^Sweet!
Wow, that seems like it'll be a sweet menu.
Oo, shiny! XD
you could detail the ship a bit more if you can but other than that its awesome!
That's brilliant.
o mY god!I thoought that was a photo at first!DAMN!This is better than DarkSirrus!OMG!The impossible has happened!
Real-time planets and sun ? Woah.. Cool =)
That's friggin' amazing! Great work!