Tired of the Anti-GMC Sentiment

Posted by FredFredrickson on Aug. 13, 2006, 10:30 p.m.

I'm tired of writing things on people's blogs about this, so I figured I'd just make a blog about it. This way, you have to come to me… heh heh. Alright folks, let's get down to business…

Look at my badges. You won't find one that claims that I was one of the first 100 or so people here, and there's a good reason for that - I am a latecomer to this game. Much of the 64D history is lost upon me, and lot of the goofy things people do here goes completely over my head, because I was not here much when the site first came about. That said, I think I've been here long enough to get the general idea of how things work, and as with any community, some of it I like, and some of it, I rather don't.

Case in point: All this anti-GMC crap that floats around, and occasionally surfaces. Like a turd in a cesspool.

At this point, I’m sure about 75% of the people here will immediately jump to the comment portion of the page and leave me a nasty comment about how much I love noobs, with an optional secondary insult to my person. Pat yourself on the back, you’ve made it farther than most.

Before I begin on my why-it’s-idiotic-to-hate-the-GMC bit, let me say this. I too get sick of all the stupid questions, the lazy people, the childish behavior. It gets old reading over the same old questions posted over and over, when the same question was more or less answered about 10 posts below. I hate the flaming. The ignorance. I get tired of the people you know will just never really get programming. All the bad games people release, bad advice people give, etc, etc. Ad infinitum.

That said, I’m getting tired of all this anti-GMC crap. Some of the people here act as if the GMC has a personal vendetta against them… As if GMC goons gunned down their family, and their only reason for carrying on is to avenge the loss of their loved ones. The bashing and ranting is getting absurd, and I hate to put it this way, but most of the time it comes off making you guys [read: the ones who partake in this nonsense] look like a bunch of sniveling babies.

64 Digits is a success as far as I see… lots of users, lots of content. But it would never exist if it weren’t for Game Maker and the GMC. That’s the sad, bitter truth. And the GMC is still good for help on just about any aspect of programming, at just about any time of day. You won’t find too many other forums for a program like Game Maker where you can get 2-3 good replies to any reasonable post (game, question, etc), at almost any time of day. And as much as all you haters out there like to paint the GMC as if it’s filled to the brim with noobs, it really isn’t particularly bad considering it’s reached nearly 34,000 members. Not to mention the fact that we all started somewhere… A quick search will yield you some pretty stupid questions that even I have written in the past.

In any case, this is just something I had to get off my chest… I’m just getting tired of all this nonsensical bashing of the GMC. If you can’t think of anything to write about every day other than how much you hate the GMC, then don’t post a blog. It’s seriously getting just a little on the stale side to act cool and try to point out all the “dumbâ€? people on the GMC. Some of you guys do some pretty stupid things here, and so far, not too many people take the liberty of pointing them out. I’m sure you would appreciate it if there was some other GM-related community on the net that examined the happenings of 64 Digits and pointed out all the shortcomings of the people here.

Anyway, enough of that. I’ve said it, it’s done. Flame me if you must… just put a little more effort into it this time, so it doesn’t come off sounding as childish or idiotic as the normal GMC hating that goes on.

In other news, I have begun playing around with a small FPS game, which you can try out <a href="http://www.martincrownover.com/files/fps5.zip">here</a>. I’ve also gotten back to work on Aster Blaster, and I’m currently ironing out all the kinks of adding the scenarios. I’ve planned about 20 of them so far, so hopefully there will be a little more meat in the package for the next release.

As always my blog is terribly long… I’m sorry if you had to read it in sections just to get through it, but sometimes I just feel a little… verbose. That’s all for now. Fred out.


darkpulsaromega 18 years, 6 months ago

I've only been here a few days and I can easily pick up an Anti-GMC sentiment from quite a few users on this website. It mostly seems directed at the amount of noobs that can be found at the GMC…

Well, I hope your blog changes a few people's opinions. The GMC isn't a bad place at all.

melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago

Or I could simply decide to ban any anti-GMC posts. XD

Adventus 18 years, 6 months ago

Well as always heres my 2 cents.

What I find weird is that many of the noob bashers could equally themselves be called noob. Lets face it GM handles most of the gritty theoretical work for us, and not many of us really understand the exact nature of whats happenening…. whereas theres alot of C++ users who would have a much deeper understanding of whats going on.

I dunno its really a relative based thing, everyones noob to someone else. You will also notice that the truely advanced GM users dont pretend to know everything, they realise that a hierachy doesnt really apply in the GM world.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years, 6 months ago

I heartly agree, by the way where did you get the name FredFredrickson?

Mordi 18 years, 6 months ago

Nice one, Fred.

Apocalypso 18 years, 6 months ago

Couldn't agree more ;)

FredFredrickson 18 years, 6 months ago

Quote: Pheonix101
Well as always heres my 2 cents.

What I find weird is that many of the noob bashers could equally themselves be called noob. Lets face it GM handles most of the gritty theoretical work for us, and not many of us really understand the exact nature of whats happenening…. whereas theres alot of C++ users who would have a much deeper understanding of whats going on.

I dunno its really a relative based thing, everyones noob to someone else. You will also notice that the truely advanced GM users dont pretend to know everything, they realise that a hierachy doesnt really apply in the GM world.

That is true, though I can't say that there is no hierarchy in GM… With any large group of people there is always some sort of hierarchy working behind the scenes.

I don't necessarily think of people who use C++ as better or more informed than myself anyway. A long time ago when I was in high school, I was working on some art stuff and the work came to a point where I could save some serious time by throwing the picture I was working with up on the computer and using a grid to make it easier to draw it on a larger scale. I told my teacher that I felt that this made the work kind of cheap, and he told me that it doesn't really matter how you get that stuff done, you're just using the tools that are at your disposal. nd that is exactly how I feel about GM.

firestormx 18 years, 6 months ago



But hating the GMC, is like hating myspace. It's ugly as fuck, the users suck, and I can't understand why anyone would want to use it.

Of course, I have a small bit of respect for how it works, but yeah, myspace is horrible.

However, a lot of my favorite bands and stuff have a myspace page. I still hate myspace, and–I don't know where I was going, so I'll leave now.

I'm not a n00b! *runs away crying*

FredFredrickson 18 years, 6 months ago

But MySpace is a wasteland… it is utterly useless. The GMC is useful for many things!

Besides, I never said 64 Digits needs the GMC to exist, I said it would never have been started without the GMC.

ludamad 18 years, 6 months ago

Yes it would, it would just contain different content, like pictures of firestormx in bed with canadonian.