PS3 stinks

Posted by FredFredrickson on Aug. 14, 2006, 11:47 p.m.

Continuing my questionable tradition of turning posts I’ve made on individual people’s blogs into full-blown essays, I will now write about why I think the PS3 is going to stink. Judging from the things I’ve seen said around here, 64 Digits seems to be a relatively safe place to post anti-PS3 propaganda… but you never know when or where a PS3 fanboy might pop up. Anyway, let’s get on with this!

Anyone who followed this year’s E3 show knows why the PS3 is going to stink. Sony’s lost it’s momentum. They’ve taken their eyes off of what people want to see in a gaming system, and are trying instead to show them what they want. If this year pans out the same way things are currently moving, we’re going to see Sony move from first place to possibly third in the next-gen game market.

So how did we arrive at this point? How did Sony shoot themselves in the foot? It’s simple: the PS3 is a deeply flawed product. The price tag, the functionality, and the hardware are all examples of what not to do when you create the successor to one of the most popular products in the industry.

The most obvious and reverberating flaw with the PS3 is the price tag. The console is being released in two flavors, clocking in at $500 and $600 respectively. Ridiculous is an understatement. For those of you who think this seems reasonable, consider the fact that you’re probably going to have to get at least one other controller, a few games, and whatever else Sony makes you buy before you can have some fun with it. Sony has already mentioned that with next-gen games will come next-gen prices, so games will likely hover around the $70-80 range. Blue-Ray movies seem to be about $5-10 more than your standard DVD as well. The bottom line is, if you manage to get a PS3 at it’s normal street price, expect to drop about $1,000 for the entire setup. To me, that is way too much money. That’s more than I pay every month for rent, utilities, and services combined.

Next comes the functionality of the PS3. Just like the PSP, Sony is taking the more-is-better approach to what the product can do, while simultaneously ignoring the needs of consumers and making sure the price tag of their console rockets to the sky. Take the Blu Ray disc player for example. PS3 games will come on Blu Ray discs, which are the arch-rival to the upcoming HD DVD format. Both formats will soon try to thwart regular old DVD’s with superior sound and video quality. Why is this a problem? DVD is still a relatively new technology, and it’s also relatively cheap; two things that make it irreplaceable at the moment. Should I go out and replace my Fifth Element DVD I got for $10 at target with a Blu Ray version that costs $19? It wouldn’t make any difference to me, because I don’t have 7.1 surround sound, and I don’t have an expensive plasma TV that supports 1080p input natively, and which would cost more than my car and every piece of furniture and electronics combined. And judging by all of my friends who own PS2’s, not too many people do. So what is the point of saddling consumers with something completely useless, like the Blu Ray player? Perhaps it’s a Trojan Horse, to get another one of their craptacular proprietary formats into your home? Can you say UMD? Mini-Disc? Beta Maxx? Laser Disc? I rest my case.

Last but not least, the hardware of the PS3, while technically impressive, is not a reason to buy the console. Your typical PS3 fanboy will jump up in your face, yelling all kinds of crazy gibberish that boils down to the fact that he or she thinks that the PS3 will be the best console because it is the most powerful. And that’s exactly what Microsoft thought when they unveiled the ill-fated X-Box… which later proved to be a dismal failure. The true power of a console rests not in it’s inner workings, but in it’s software library. And because of all the silly doodads and extra “featuresâ€? Sony has thrown into their box, the price tag is going to limit it’s exposure, and thus, developers will move on to the more affordable, more sold consoles. To tell you the truth, I think people are getting tired of playing the same crappy games with updated graphics anyway… Game graphics have reached a point where they are beyond impressive, and thus the small differences that increased hardware performances can make are not as noticeable to the layman as they once were, so people care a little less about which console can render the most triangles per cycle. And rightly so. This stuff isn't what makes games fun.

All that said, this is still going to be an interesting year for consoles, and I think it really is make-or-break time for both Nintendo and Sony. Nothing is really set in stone yet, but barring any huge bombs being dropped by Sony in the next couple of months, I think it’s going to be great to see the consoles duke it out. I’m excited to see what new innovations the Wii has in store for us, and I am anxious to see what will become of Sony, and their questionable second-guessing of consumers. If anything, the competition between the giants of the industry will just mean better prices and better games, which I can’t argue with, no matter what system they are coming out for.

For the record, I’m currently saving up for a Wii… But you probably could have guessed. [:D]


Extravisual 18 years, 6 months ago

Consoles are a waste of money. Thats my opinion though, and I seriously doubt that anybody will back me up, seeing as the majority of the GM community is obsessed with nintendo…

Cocopuffs 18 years, 6 months ago

You seem to be making a habit of creating blogs about things I recently said, read my posts here:

Anyways, I agree. I said that everbodys all exited about the bimproved graphics of all these new systems, but I didn't here ANYONE complain about the graphics of the last system. All you're doing by releasing a new console is draining peopel of their money, that's why I don't but consoles anymore. The next year it will be obsolete, and no new games will come out for it anymore. What I think all the companies should do (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft), is just release one console, and concentrate on GAMES for it for the folowing 3-4 years. That way I would be more inclined to buy the damn thing, knowing I would be buying more than 3 games for it, which is about all the good ones you can get out of only one year of game production.

And if sony is going to realse a GAME console, how about making some GAMES for it. I already talked about this in the url I posted above. Why pay more for a less compatible video? There is no point, at least the Xbox could be used as a DVD player.

I've pretty much gave up on conoles, I would sugjest just stick with your computer. You can play 20 years of games on it, and if one game's graphics are too much for your computer to suport, you can upgrade your computer, and safe your self the money it would take to buy an entire new one. The computer also gives you all the great functions of a computer, and since alot of sucsesful console games get released for the computer a year later, I see no reason for anything else.

That's why I hate consoles in general. I also could give another speach about why games are going downhill aswell. But that's another speach and another blog, which I'm sure you'll manage to make an essay about as soon as I mention it in another comment.

Also, since you seem to have alot of the same opinions I do, and take the time to put something worth while about in your blogs, I'm adding you to my friends.

That's it,


DFortun81 18 years, 6 months ago

I'd only get the PS3 for the new FF7 remakes. Other than that, PS3 is a waste of money. (X-Box 360 has just as good a graphics anyway, and the Wii with it's controllers)

Fender 18 years, 6 months ago

Quote: Halibutski
Consoles are a waste of money. Thats my opinion though, and I seriously doubt that anybody will back me up, seeing as the majority of the GM community is obsessed with nintendo…

I don't agree entirely, but I do somewhat. Are you saying it as consoles as in gaming is a waste of money? Or that you should just stick to PC as a console for gaming? Cuz I like that second one.

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

imagine if the games are crappy… waste of 70-80 bucks…

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

btw, DF, they're not making the FF7 remake, it was just a demo…

ultim8p00 18 years, 6 months ago

WII FTW woot!

can i hear Wii60? spread the luv guys…

melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago


Thing is, PC games are hardware dependant (and expansions can be annoying sometimes). Besides, the Wii-mote completely pwns any laser gaming mouse in precison. =D

Anyways… I agree with you Fred.

firestormx 18 years, 6 months ago

Yaaay, I get to send someone to my comment here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (at the bottom)

But yeah, the only downside to the ps3 I can see, is the price. If the games are anything like they were for ps1 and ps2, the games will be awesome. By using the blu-ray disks, they can fit more DATA onto the disks, not just video/sound. Also, by using blu-ray, it means there's a good chance that the ps3 will still be an amazing console in a few years, when amazing TVs and sound systems become more affordable.

Umm, yeah, I don't really care to convince anyoen that one system is beter than the other, 'cause in my mind, it's all about the types of games on them, not about…Whatever rediculus reasons you people come up with. In the past, the playstation has come out with the most ammount of games that I PERSONALLY enjoy the most, so I'm more likely to get a ps3. (If I even do end up getting a console)

Shork 18 years, 6 months ago

Or by using Blu-ray, sony could be killing the PS3 by tying it to a new and risky format. Blu-ray discs are a new and expensive item, with no massive improvements over current dvd technology. Of course, so is the HD-dvd. We must remember the battle between VHS and Beta-max. Beta-max had the better quality, but not better enough to make the obvious choice. Therefore, it's higher price and complicated use killed it, because VHS was so much cheaper and simpler, without huge loss of picture and sound quality. DVD beat out VHS becuase it was obviously better, but unless you have super-robot eyes, I doubt you could really tell the difference between a DVD and a blu-ray or HD-dvd. The point to all this is that there is a pretty good chance that blue-ray will fail as a new DVD format, and then what will Sony do with a gaming console that only uses a format that no one wants?