Well if your a person who had a n64 in the past chances are you had Goldeneye007
And you may of heard of Rare takeing stuff out yet leaving it inSuch as the islands on Dam (level)well this is what this blog is about islands on Dam (level)so if you had a game shark you probaby put in a code for the boat but it didn't work be cause its NOT real it……………. used to be but its notthen you tryedd the no cliping code but got stuck in an invisible wallwell now here is how you do it (you need a eleumuator)you have both no cliping codes off till you get to the first dock put the x ongo back ward till you get under bunjie spot turn it offturn on z keep walking in water get to the islands than turn it offthat simple but it may be hard to get the rom because Stupid ESAbut heres some screen shots i tookand also you can't touch anything its just like a picture you go right through ithttp://64digits.com/users/GMWIZ/bond_secrets.PNGhere are the cliping codesNo clipping X: D0064F31 0030, 800D33ED 0050, 880D33ED 0000No clipping Y: D0064F31 0030, 800D33F5 0050, 880D33F5 0000 only works on DAMpress L+R when youwant to use it
Interesting yet totally pointless. Brings back memories of the 97th Level in Super Mario World :)
Yes It does… <_<
I have the rom. If I tell you they will close the site. sorry
Goldeneye… brings back memories.
Hehe, this is so old!
Indeed Fred. Ancient. 2 years ago is very old on the internet. 1998 is ancient. Yes, it was known one year after the release.
yes i have heard of perfect dark and roms are legal if you own the game
O and im hearing mixed things about all bonds People say its fake but people say its real and they got it with roms
also in the manul had all bonds in ityes they are