Enemies take FOREVER to program.

Posted by Game Fortress on June 24, 2006, 6:20 p.m.

Yes, I know.. This blog is filled with nothing but TCOK2, but that pretty much all ive been doing, so thats what I am thinking about.

Anyway, I was putting in an enemy when I realized how long each one takes. Here is yet another screenshot, this time of the enemy I am talking about.

<img src="http://64digits.com/users/Game%20Fortress/psiball.gif">

Getting all the particle effects right the way I want them is a genuine pain, but when its done it looks cool. I just dont look forward to the hordes I will have to put in to even match the original, not to mention surpass it (in terms of enemies). @_@


Game Fortress 18 years, 3 months ago

The walking AI was much easier in the original because the enemies were either A.)Stationary or B.)mindless drones that bounced off of invisible blocks… The enemys for #2 are much more dynamic. It was one thing to do them last year, this go around should be interesting.

Alx 18 years, 3 months ago

Yes from what you said this shall be intresting.