Condition? ...Zero

Posted by GameMakinRyan on Nov. 11, 2006, 1:23 a.m.

Argh, It's been a long night, off from school on tuesday, thursday, and today, so this week has been a constant all-night gameathon. My most common Game of Choice has been Counter Strike: Condition Zero.

This Weeks Pre-Season Map: de_fastline

Strategy: This is where it gets funny. You see, most people think that you really need a solid strat for this map, but that's just not the case. We went 13-2 for Terrorist side using 1 strat the entire time. We like to call it, "Rush Upper" Where we… rush Upper. We got there way before they did, ripped their faces off with AK's, and Planted the bomb with no problem. Now you're probably thinking that the other team would then copy this the second half of the scrim and playing CT side would be crappy. Wrong. We ripped house, M4 + Enemy's Brain = GG. We managed to rush upper on CT side too! They had no idea how to maneuver on this map, so we had field advantage. 16-2? = kthxbye. BTW: If you're interested and want to play some Counter Strike (1.6, CZ, or Source) with me, hit me up at (Steam Name) Rbunting89

Warcraft III: Ah yes, another one of my addictions, I'm making a turret defense called Creep Defense, where you kill critters and creeps. It's a 4 player map geared towards kids who already know what they're doing, A.k.a NON-NOOB FRIENDLY. There are 6 races, Dark, Light, Earth, Fire, Ice, and Wind. they all have distinct abilities, which can be combined by "buying" towers from your allies. They can build a tower in your base, you can type -give 0X 40 to give player X 40 gold to build the towers, then player X can select his towers, and type -cede to cede those towers to you, thus combining the elements and making an uber1337 combo. Sounds Pretty Sick huh? All I need to do is make all 60 levels. Trust me, It's not that hard, just… time consuming, well, not even that really, just kind of monotonous. But, It will get done! BTW: If you're interested and want to play some Warcraft With me, hit me up at (USEast) DavidBiaine. **Yes that i instead of an L is intentional**

Erhm, On To Gamemaker

New Project: I've decided that I want to make a TDS (Oh My God, Original! Never Been Done!). Now I know the Top Down Shooter genre has become very stale, but thats why I want to give it a twist. It will have the standard TDS elements, various weapons, powerups, upgrades, etc. But…

The Twist: The Layout will not be levels, but Cells, each cell is a hexagonal area filled with water, one of your ship's special abilities causes a Wave which can push enemies back. Each cell has a Difficulty Rating, and the higher the rating, the more numerous/powerful the enemies become. There will be intermissions every X number of levels where you can purchase upgrades with the points you have earned. I am hoping to integrate some kind of multiplayer, whether it be versus or coop.

The Name: Still in the works, but im thinking of this simple formula, Something That Means Water + Something Badass.

Hydrothunder! Darn…taken…

Aqualicious! No…too suggestive…

Hmm… I'll have an update in the Next Blog Post, by all means put some name suggestions in the comments.

BTW: If you want to talk to me on aim, hit me up at "t3h buntz0r"

Other News: My Brother turned 22 on the 6th, we're going to dinner tomorrow. I Heart Blooming Onions.

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Ryan Signing Off.


GameMakinRyan 18 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, my only beef with Source is that there is no reg in any of the servers. It's not my comp either, brand new Nvidia SLI PC lol. Thats why I Still play CZ, but send me a friend request and Ill play with you (Rbunting89)

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 3 months ago

Counterstrike requires almost no strategy at all. All you need is skill. My skill, to be exact.

Anyway, if you want a real game, try Plan of Attack (<a href="">link</a>)

GameMakinRyan 18 years, 3 months ago

No Strategy? I don't have enough time to put all the "Ha's" at your statement. Try playing in Cal-Main and you'll see what "no strategy" is required. Strategy is the whole reason this game became so popular, it's a STRATEGY based FPS, not just Halo 2 Run and spam any gun you have and get instant kills with respawns.

OL 18 years, 3 months ago

Sorry but CS does have some strategy, but a lot is down to the players skill.

Firebird 18 years, 3 months ago

CS? Strategy?

Just run around an shoot as many people as you can. You only have some strategy if you actually plan it out before the match (i.e. clans/organizations).

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 3 months ago

The people that think that CS has strategy are the people that get tremendously owned at Plan of Attack, because suddenly they have to think and they aren't used to it.

GameMakinRyan 18 years, 3 months ago

Lol Ace has a point, but I downloaded "Plan of attack", and I ripped it apart, even with the fact that it was made with the source engine and there was no registry in any of the servers.

I'm not gonna lie, Plan Of Attack is a good game, very fun, cool setting, but I'm still a CZ player at heart. You're gonna have to meet midway and realize that CS does require strategy, its just in a different setting, there, end of story (kthxbye)