Muzzle Flash Update

Posted by GameMakinRyan on Nov. 19, 2006, 3:33 p.m.


I've uploaded a new demo of Muzzle flash with the stupid parenting error and new bullet sprites (which when drawn blended look awesome) along with some alterations to the bullet speeds, reload times, and more.

Theres the new demo. I hope you enjoy the updates.

And, before anyone says anything, yes some crates you can walk through, they are invincible crates added merely to test out the particle lag, if any.

DUNGEON LORD: Argggh, working on HUD sprites, its tough running 2 ambitious projects at once, sadly I'm less motivated from this one as of right now because of stupid errors that make me angry and things that just dont work right. If I can get the friggin' isometric grid based movement working I can stop breaking my knuckles on walls and finally make some REAL headway with this project.


I've been so wholly addicted to ColumnsX recently that I decided to venture into the pure puzzle genre. Of course I don't plan on blowing all my time on this, though I may just submit it as an example, but since its my first real puzzle game (with the exception of one I made about a year ago) the coding is kind of sloppy and not necessarily economic, but hey, someone could learn from it.


Iron Maiden is my recent kick, Brave New World is such an awesome album, glad I picked it up so long ago. I kind of let it stew for a while, and the other day I was going through my CD's and happened upon it, then I thought to myself "damn! this was from way back when!", loaded it up and rocked out all day. In fact, I'm still rocking out now! |m| METAL |m|

VIDEO: ::sigh:: Japanese people (no offense to anyone hailing from Nipon) are so good at everything, a lot of times useless things (with many exceptions) but in this case… pen spinning…

Quite possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen, but whats the point? WHO CARES! ITS SO FRIGGIN BAD ASS!!

So bad ass to the point where I have wasted a WHOLE hour on learning how to do what is known as a "thumb around" where the pen/pencil spins around the BACK of your thumb freely and is thus caught in the index finger upon complete rotation. Very Cool, yet again, useless. Waste of an hour? Some might think so, but it amused me.

OTHER: I punched my wall out of sheer anger (probably about 3 or 4 times) when some d-bag kept baiting his partner in this fy_iceworld in Condition Zero. Normally this doesn't anger me this badly, but today, for some reason, this kid was just plainly not likeable, and then to make it worse, he was the ONLY person that killed me, because he had a n00b friend in the server who I would kill and then when I reload, BAM he comes out to mop it up… scrub.


STAY METAL |m| |m| !


Radnom_Games 18 years, 3 months ago

uh, it's |m| or 'm/ or something but there has to be 2 horns otherwise it's just like raising your pinky to be fancy :P

Iron Maiden is good, really good, I prefer Megadeth I think, though.

GameMakinRyan 18 years, 3 months ago

No, the original backslash got cut out, friggin php garbage