I have added more to the HUD. HE Grenades, Smoke Grenades, and Flashbang Grenades!

Along with this, I have added some explosive barrels and regular barrels. When you shoot the explosive ones, they, well, explode and can cause chain reactions to cause MASSIVE damage to any enemies and the environment! The normal barrels can help you bank grenades around corners to take out groups of enemies.

I've also redone the entire dual wielding with the exception of the hud drawing part because I ran into some very odd snags, hence why the original had to be deleted.
Other than that I'm back up to speed and kicking.
I have a Staphylococcus aureus infection. Aka "staph" infection, from the dirty ass football players at my school. It had been going around for a while, and it was JUST in time for Thanksgiving. ::sigh:: well, luckily it isnt bothering me that much, and hell, it gives me a reason to sit inside and code!
DUNGEON LORD: Still duking it out with the friggin grid based movement, I just can't get it perfect, but I will keep trying. Eventually I'll just set it aside for a while to leave time to work harder on muzzle flash.
I'm so getting a Wii for "Generalized December Holiday" and its going to kick so much ass! Although I heard Red Steel wasn't as phenominal as thought, I'm still going to pick it up! Oh and Wii Sports PWNS. Last but DEFINITELY not least, F%#KING ZELDA SON!
I saw Tenacious D and the Pick Of Destiny… HILARIOUS! The rockoff with Satan (Aka Dave Grohl of Nirvana) and the talking Dio Poster (Ronny James Dio of course) and other such cameos made it even better! Great soundtrack as well, definitely go out and see this one.
That game looks pretty sweet.
Thanks! I had to get rid of the old demo, but I'll be adding the newer one soon, so if you want I can PM you when it's ready.