Slow Time for Game Maker

Posted by GameMakinRyan on Dec. 20, 2006, 12:07 p.m.

Ho Ho Ho, Who Cares What Freud Thinks?


Is it just me or is Christmas time just a terrible time for Game Maker? With all the christmas shopping I have to do, and all the schoolwork they decide to throw at me right before the break is just killing my will to work on my projects! As much as I want to work on my games, I just can't because of all the stress from school, and the pressure to get something for everyone! I was hoping I could have a project done to give as a gift to the 64D community, but sorry guys, no dice this year, Santa has Sociology homework.

Christmas List!


So Far for Christmas, I've asked for

-An 80 Gig Video iPod, as much as I hate Macintosh

-Airsoft Rifles!

-More Airsoft Rifles!

-A New Cup Seal for my paintball gun.

-New Mod Chip for my Xbox

-Dremel Kit (To Mod my Computer Case)

-Bondo (To Mod my Computer Case)

-I want the Nintendo Wii, but I know I'm gonna have to wait >:P

Music Updates!


Recently, I've been wholly addicted to Dimmu Borgir, Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, and mostly, Nocturnal Rites (SO GOOD!)

I highly suggest you download some Nocturnal Rites if you like metal music at all, they are phenominal, the lyrics and singer are great, and the musicianship is of very high caliber, and stays through constant through all of their albums.

Some suggested songs are:

"Wake Up Dead"

"After Life"



"New World Messiah" and




I've subscribed to ESEA, which is a seperate online gaming community/client for Counter Strike, it's friggin' awesome! You can do constant Pugs (Pick Up Games) or Scrims, and they even have their own seperate servers from the rest, they're monster servers as well, I mean 600+ tick boosted, so you don't have to worry about the bullet registry too much… well, at all…

Also, I've slowed down on playing Condition Zero, and I'm moving more towards the 1.6 side of counter strike, since it's harder, and in the long run will make you better. So I'm guessing if I can go CAL-IM for 1.6, then I could easily go CAL-M or even quite possibly CAL-I for Condition Zero. Hopefully I'll do well in a couple LAN tournaments I'm going to in the next couple months. Wish me Luck!


blueBX 18 years, 2 months ago

Good luck! I don't even no what I'm going to get for Christmas.

GameMakinRyan 18 years, 2 months ago

Teehee, I always know because they ask me lol

KaBob799 18 years, 2 months ago

I dont know what im getting but I know a lot of stuff that either me or my bro will get.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 2 months ago

I'm getting 1 damn chocolate bar for christmas. Yes, 1.

And some people are even getting a Wii, no fair… ;_;

Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

iPods are overrated.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 2 months ago

-An 80 Gig Video iPod, as much as I hate Macintosh
Considering the number of (better) alternatives, you cannot say that you hate Macintosh and have an iPod.