The Z axis hates me~

Posted by GamerHippo7 on Feb. 3, 2007, 8:53 p.m.

<img src=http:/</html>

So I started looking at some 3D tutorials the other day, and managed to do some things. I designed a cube, a sphere, and worked with textures via Sine and Cosine (That didn't work out too well)

I got a little torqued off when I reached the platform tutorial. It barely helps you learn anything o_O. Basically all that it entails is a bunch of code, and a little description about how extensive the code is…. D: The Z axis isn't even REAL! *TWITCH* you've got to declare the wretched little thing in order for it to work.


I am not happy..:S

I want to learn to program a 3D platformer… but the assistance is choppy. Hopefully I can have something to show you by this spring if I keep on working at it.

Peace n Pixels ppl~



AthamX 18 years ago

See? I'm not the only hippo on this site

s 18 years ago

I was thinking on how that could be done a while back, but I'm a very theory based person. I've never done a 3D game in my life. However, it does seem simple enough. Just give everything a height and then work on the view based on the z value. Be easier with FirstPerson view.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years ago

3D's annoying, specially if you try it on a GM version that doesn't even support it.. >_>

Acid 18 years ago

Keep practicing, you'll probably get it sooner or later… at least that's what I hope is going to happen to me. :)

s 18 years ago

When people master 3D in GM,they usually move on to the land of more effiecent things…ah how I wish I will attain such in years to come…

Rob 18 years ago

Quote: GamerHippo7

I am not happy..:S

I'm never happy. =(

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years ago

Emo attack. =O

GamerHippo7 18 years ago

LOL 3D can really make one go emo. XD

DevonX 18 years ago

im not too bad with 3D, its just a pain in the ass to do everything.

marbs 18 years ago

I can do 3D. I just dont very often because it can be annoying.