Integer to roman
Posted by Gatete on Aug. 4, 2016, 1:47 p.m.
So I was browsing the web for a way to convert an integer into a Roman number. Surprisingly there was not any for GML and I only found one for Javascript.
Said code can be found here. that, I tried to port it into GML which I did …GSMB3Engine Dev Blog
Posted by Gatete on Feb. 23, 2016, 5:46 a.m.
I bet everyone remembers that Super Mario Bros. 3 engine made by a user called "DrJellik".
K, this time I'm doing a replica of the SMB3 engine with Game Maker: Studio from scratchDOWNLOAD'll provide more info about the engine as I progress with it ;)A Plumber's Journey Dev Blog
Posted by Gatete on Nov. 7, 2015, 12:40 p.m.
Three weeks ago I started working on another Mario fangame.

///Spiketop logic!
if (speed > 0) {
if (xscale == 1) {
//Check if there's no floor on the way.
if …
I'm back
Posted by Gatete on March 11, 2015, 4:34 a.m.
Wow, It's been a while since I visited this site.
Due a problem on the harddrive, I lost most of my GM8 projects (Incluiding my newest mario engine, fortunately a friend of mine is helping me with it.)Now I will use GMStudio for all my projects, I'll try to …OSMBEngine 2
Posted by Gatete on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:56 p.m.
Well, I'm back to show a remake of a engine I made long ago
What's new!Improved coding: Every script is totally commented and indented.Screenshots