Happy new year!

Posted by Gift of Death on Dec. 31, 2007, 7:22 p.m.

Okey, in Finland it's 3:20 o'clock at 1.1.2008 ^^. So happy new year for everyone. And I hope you had happy christmas as well. (yea, I'm bit late)

There's no any porgress with making games since start of november. I've got an idea to create game that is bit like Monopoly. Just some differences. Other opinion is somekind of card game, maybe with multiplayer. Just have to get somewhere server or something to save player information if that feature is needed.

If somebody remembers that game I were creating for YoYo Games's winter competition, well it didn't complete. The source code was too unclear for me to understand, and I writed it all myself =D. But don't worry, I'll someday start to rewrite code ^^. Bit information about that game:

Game is bit like Final Fantasy Tactics (Advance). Battles are isometric, but if I can, I'll make it more real time style. So more action than in FFT. There are 3 different classes. In earlier porject they were thrower, warmer and waterer (If I can remember correctly). Yea, sound stupid. You should already get what was this game. Yep, snowfight. Project name is Snowball Madness. I don't even have anykind of story for it yet =P. Someone might remember that ninja game I showed about 9 month ago (Blog entry still exists). I'll maybe start that again. Just will rewrite that code as well. I'm just lazy. I have one RTS porject as well, called Mundus (latin, means World (yea, I lost my imagination when I turned to 10). That source code should be rewrited as well =P.

About that why my game making havn't make any porgress: I've played whole time. Or had something else to do. Something like watch TV ^^.

School: we got our "christmas diblomas" bit over week ago. It was not bad, only three 7 and one 5 (grading scale 4-10), few 9 and the last is 8. Average value was about 7.4 because that swedish number (5). And can't understand why my english is only 7. I've got from "wordtests" only numbers between 8 and 9-, except one 7½. From test 8½ and Canada lecture I got 7-, because teacher tought I havn't writen that all myself. Teacher said this part of lecture is teached at high school: "Caused by the cold situation of northern Canada, most of the area is unable for cultivating" (she meant that "caused by" part, and I think she don't know what means cultivating =P). No one said we can't use dictionary! I havn't even learn almost anything at lessons. Most of words etc. I've learnt because I'm playing and visiting many of english sites much. And my math number should be 9. Was only 8 :P. And swedish teacher feels like she gives our numbers by how she likes people. I got from tests 5½ and 7+ . Number should be at least 6 xD ( (5.5+7.25):2=6.35) ). And tomorrow I have to wake up at 6:30 to school. Chrismas holiday is over. This sucks >.<.

(I'll break my both legs or something for that I don't need to go xD)

Well… cya. Yay! Feels a lot better. I got all that pressure out of me ^^.


Lapixx 17 years, 2 months ago

Lol, I still have one week without school :P

Anyway, a happy new year to you too ;)

Edit: It seems that some people are still living in 2007 :P it says 10:09 PM, but its allready 4:10 AM at my place xD

Jaxx 17 years, 1 month ago