
Posted by Glen on Oct. 21, 2008, 5:30 p.m.

Been a while since I updated my blog. So, what's going on in my life. Well, I'm working a small project for this Halloween Competition here at the digits. It'll be my first competition entry. I started late but the progress on the game is going smoothly. It'll be a small mini-game. Its been a while since I took on a quick challenge. These projects that are taking me months to finish, REALLY, start to bore me. So, this little game I'm making is mainly something for me to have fun with. Not so much as a new revolution to gaming. A name has not been given to it yet. I'll be finishing it up within the next week. I've only been working on it for 3 days so there's not much info to give on it yet.

Aside from this competition I'm redoing my website, once again. And instead of making one of those fake websites where people (teenagers to be more specific) call themselves a business, for example: Yoyogames (Not saying they're teens that are trying to look professional… just an example name)… I'm focusing the site more on just myself. I'm going to have a Game Portfolio, Artwork Portfolio, Music section, and a weekly blog. Stuff that I can update frequently. I disliked having a website that just focused on my games because it becomes useless if you decide to put off a project that you're not dedicated to anymore. I wanted a more versatile website that deals with everything I do. A site about me… Not "Company Name" … If that makes sense to you… Its still in development and probably will be until some point next month.

Another thing that I would like to mention is that I'm pregnant……………. not really… physically impossible…. but I had to say it. Today has been the most random day for me. In good ways and bad ways.

I ran in a cross country race today and didn't do that bad. yay for practice. I've felt like shit for the passed week and didn't want to run today. Some how, (I'm in Junior Varsity Cross Country) I found myself running side by side by our teams top varsity runners…. wtf? Random boost of energy? idk… I swear I wasn't on anything…. o.o

My teacher fell out of his chair and landed flat on his ass… scared the shit out of me. I was half asleep, I thought some giant creature was trying to attack me because as I'm dosing off everything is blurry and I'm looking at something really big lunging in my direction…. weird as hell.

And to end my day of randomness, I come home to see my little sister just staring at a wall……… I watched her for like a good 5 minutes and asked what she was doing…… Her answer? "Idk…." and she just walks away. wtf? lol…. Lost in a moment? I've never day dreamed like that before…..

But, uhm that's all I have to say I guess… I hate trying to think of subjects to talk about. Those were just a few things I had on my mind. How's everyone else doing?


Quietus 16 years, 4 months ago

I hate trying to think of subjects to talk about.
You're not the only one. =P

[deleted user] 16 years, 4 months ago

I've felt like shit for the passed week and didn't want to run today.
I find running makes me feel better, not only because it's running, but it also clears the head.

Glen 16 years, 4 months ago

Well, I had a stomach virus, and long distance running does clear the stomach but I really was not in the mood to blow chunks… which I nearly did at the end of that race, lol…