[G] Math Problem

Posted by Glen on Oct. 30, 2009, 3:21 p.m.

I need to build an arc that meets the height and width requirements, but first I need to know how long of a stick I'll be needing when I bend the wood. Help please?


HeroofTime55 15 years, 3 months ago

it will be between 42 cm (3 edges of a rectangle) and ~30.53 cm (2 edges of a triangle with base 26cm and a centered maximum height of 8cm). assuming that 26 and 8 are maximum limits for the whole arc, and the corresponding rectangle the containing boundary with both lower corners and the midpoint of the top edge as required points.

the exact length depends on what kind of arc it is and indeed which part of which arc you take.

HeroofTime55 15 years, 3 months ago

actually only the minimum holds, the arc could be of arbitrarily large length. the given maximum of 42 cm assumes no local vertical maxima or minima along the curve other than the central maximum of 8 cm, and only positive horizontal tracing.

Kenon 15 years, 3 months ago

Well he already got an answer that worked (Half of an ellipse) but good knowledge usage there herooftime.
