It's all V3's fault.

Posted by Glen on Jan. 3, 2011, 8:32 a.m.

Now I have to complete a game. I told myself the day V3 came out would be the day the I actually try to finish a game. So now I'm going to finish one of the 12 projects that I've started. Might work on the 4th version of Savage Defense seeing how I made a bunch of improvements in December. Ember Skies has a lot of work to be done. I'll save that for V4 of 64d. ;)

So about the layout. I like it. Looks clean and well organized. It looks more like a blog site now when you take a look at the home page. The left column seems a bit empty. Need some more stuff there. I like the navigation menu. Much smoother. What are the member points for? (Bottom Right)


I don't know if these features exist, but I could seem to find them on V3:

-No search options for games and examples

-No list of games created by each person on their profiles


Eva unit-01 14 years, 1 month ago

Did you know if you take out the V in 'V3' and take out the F in 'Fault' and put the V in Ault

You get


Sorry…too much Fallout3

Also, man, yea…you should finish a game. All of us here should finish a game xD

Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

If you took out the V in V3 and the F in Fault and put them together it would be 3ault.

Cpsgames 14 years, 1 month ago

No, if you divide 64 by fish, then you get 101.

Valut 101, get it?

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

If V3 brought a "Like" button, it would go to Ferret's post.

firestormx 14 years, 1 month ago

Glad you like v3, for the most part. =)

Searching games and listing games a user has created was not considerd "Crucial" for v3's release.

Ask anyone, and they'll say v3 was rushed. But that was to get it out for New Years. =)

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

V3 was rushed.

But I don't see anything worth bitching about, besides the fact that since the layout was drastically overhauled, it'll take some adjusting.

leemcd56 14 years, 1 month ago

Searching through games is actually my fault. I got really, really tired being up for 37 hours between a New Year's party and working on v3. Therefore my brain was busted and couldn't think of an appropriate way to search.