Starcraft vs Warcraft vs League of Legions

Posted by Glen on June 20, 2011, 10:38 p.m.

I liked playing WC3 a lot, but people have been telling me to give Starcraft a shot. What do you guys think about the differences in these two games?

Today someone told me they were playing LoL and that got me to look into League of Legions. Seems like another version of Dota. Any experiences with this game? I might download it and play around with the game for awhile.

I love the base building, massive army rushes, and attack strategies in RTS games. I'm looking for something that'll keep me entertained for hours. Any suggestions would be great.


Kenon 13 years, 8 months ago

I have played both DoW2 and SC2 and I have to personally side with SC2; DoW2 feels so slow with its micro and stuff compared to SC2. Being an Ex-WC3 player, I really enjoy the micro. It's all you basically do in WC3. The micro options of blink stalkers of reapers or marine/marauder feels so much more epic then the micro options in DoW2, at least thats what I thought.

EDIT: Have not played Retribution so it may be faster paced.