Update On... Everything?

Posted by Glen on May 7, 2012, 8:30 p.m.

I'll break this blog down into two parts.

- RPG4D Programming Updates

- Hired for Database Systems and Management

Ember Skies

For the RPG4D competition I decided to program my fantasy adventure known as Ember Skies. Partnered up with Mush for graphics and Stevenup for music, we've put together all the basics so far. I've completed:

- Accurate 8 directional movement

- 8 directional path finding movement

- Collision checking

- Party leader switching

- Load/Save game variables

Mush is working on our main characters movement animations while I optimize the basic systems of our game engine. This month I am trying to complete the game's battle system. Next month I will be working on more of the storyline and content. No screenshots yet. Still waiting on the graphics.

Steven has successfully composed the music for our first scene and first town. Not sure if he wants anyone to hear it yet. He's putting final touches on the pieces. It's really nice to work with him. His skills on the piano are superb.

Programming Job

I randomly was asked about computer programming today and two hours later I'm offered shares to a company if I design database systems for their business. Crazy right? The company is an entertainment business local to my state that holds club events. They need an internet presence and want technology that'll be useful to their club. One project I'll be dealing with is creating a seat reservation system. They want people to be able to reserve seats in their VIP sections online. With that being done, they want their employees to be able to view and manage reserved seats on their iPads from the club. Simple insert and retrieve database system.

I'll be starting on this particular project soon if I decide to go through with this. Aside from this, they want someone who knows how to work around websites and do SEO. That's pretty much what I do everyday at my father's business. I currently work for my father and handle his marketing and advertisements. I've built his site from ground up and have been running an internet campaign for two years. It's my most experienced skill in the work force. I talked about all of my specific skills with web programming and showed him a few things. He was impressed and liked me a lot. His offer was a share of the business and it's profits. What do you think about this?


Castypher 12 years, 8 months ago

I commented because it was one of the core systems for player customization in Terminys. You could choose a party leader, who became the playable character while all the others were controlled by AI. If a boss gave you trouble with one character, you could try with another and employ the strengths each person had when leading a party (they got special buffs).

I don't mean to say it was an innovative option. It's just what I thought about when you mentioned that, heheh.