Minecraft 1.5 Released!

Posted by Glen on March 13, 2013, 11:51 a.m.


+ Added Redstone Comparator (used in Redstone logic)

+ Added Hopper (collects items and moves them to containers)

+ Added Dropper (similar to Dispensers, but always drops the item)

+ Added Activator Rail (activates TNT Minecarts)

+ Added Daylight Sensor

+ Added Trapped Chest

+ Added Weighed Pressure Plate

+ Added Block of Redstone

+ Added Nether Brick (item)

+ Added Nether Quartz and ore

+ Added Block of Quartz, with half blocks and chiseled variants

+ New command: /scoreboard

+ New command: /effect

+ Containers and mobs can have custom names

* Inventory management has been changed, for example you can drag-place items over slots

* Texture packs now have separate images for each block and item, and can have animations

* Nether Quartz Ore now spawns in the Nether

* Smooth lighting now has three settings (none, minimal, maximum)

* More detailed death messages

* Some hostile mobs now are harder in Hard difficulty

* Many, many, bug fixes

- Removed Herobrine

And check out the video they made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmpxpH-tMWc

I personally love the update on redstone and the addition of Hoppers. It'll make survival a bit easier. Less worries about starving and more time on building. Egg/Chicken farms and Sugar Cane farms can be built in full automation with collection and item storage. Wheat farms will be able to have auto sorting on collection, but will still be semi-auto with the need to replant seeds. No more herobrine? I never got to see one. XD Madness.


death 11 years, 11 months ago

new mobs? about damn time. why do modders make tons of unique mobs in little time but it takes Mojang ages to add one damn mob. Actually what i find more irritating as a developer, is the lack of design with choosing mobs. Sure, now there actually are some biome-specific mobs but only for the passive ones, the hostile mobs still spawn the same basic 4 every where all the time. I must be OCD when it comes to this sort of thing, but i NEED specific enemies in specific terrains. (i think RPG's have trained me to think that way)

JJokerDude 11 years, 11 months ago

Naming mobs… I have a feeling people aren't going to use that responsibly haha.

RC 11 years, 11 months ago

Has anyone else experienced a framerate drop with this update? Compared to the previous version's 40+ fps for me, 1.5 is running at < 20fps maxed out in windowed mode.

Edit: turning off Advanced OpenGL boosted it to 70+ fps without smooth lighting on (the original culprit I figured), but enabling smooth lighting still puts it down to ~30fps).

LAR Games 11 years, 11 months ago

Good thing my texture pack is already prepped for 1.5. I love that I'm finally able to customize the compass.

I just need to do the animation for the clock and I'm set.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 11 months ago

I thought that the texture packs were supposed to update to become compatible "automagically", but my texture pack is showing up as default in-game. It's going to be a bitch if I have to actually give every terrain texture its own file manually.

firestormx 11 years, 11 months ago

It's going to be a bitch if I have to actually give every terrain texture its own file manually.
You would make a shitty programmer, with that mindset.

KaBob799 11 years, 11 months ago

The game doesn't convert them but mojang released a separate converter somewhere

firestormx 11 years, 11 months ago

1) Write your own converter

2) Put converter online

3) ???

4) Don't profit, because ad-free open source is good.

Iasper 11 years, 11 months ago

I'm going to get a chicken and name it Cock.

LAR Games 11 years, 11 months ago

So, anyone besides me try my pack? Does it work for you guys? Did I miss any textures? (I know about the clock)