Xna time

Posted by Golden Wolf on April 25, 2009, 5:48 p.m.

Hey there 64 digits peoples, I haven't been on 64D for awhile, infact the last time i came on was when 64D came back on April 1st (If 64D had have gone down the 2nd that' would have been the greatest April fool prank ever…Possibly).

Anywayz, the main reason i haven't been on here much is because i haven't been using GM much this month, instead me and a couple of friends decided to give XNA a try. For the people who don't know what XNA is, it's a program that let's you create games for the Community section of Xbox Live Arcade.. The first step was to get our heads around C#, which hasn't proved too difficult. I'm not what you'd call an expert, but I'm getting there and in time I'll be good enough to start programming an actual game. The only problem is trying to learn C# around all the crap, like College and Family and…junk, however i found that I've been picking up C# a lot quicker than my friends, I put that down to me knowing GML, or…me just being a genius, yeah that's the real reason (yay for self-praise).

Oh another random event probably not really worth mentioning, but one that i will mention nontheless. One of these guys from my College (not really my friend so he gets the "guy" treatment) decided he would create a brand new trading card game. He hasn't got a name for it yet so it goes by "the trading card game", catchy right?…Yeah anyway, he made the trading cards on his PC, and brought them into College to see what people thought. Not being a big Trading card fan, I thought it wouldn't appeal to me…and i was right. The game seemed to be a mix between (according to one of my friends) "Magic: The Gathering" and "Yugioh". The aforementioned friend said it was a very unique game (despite being a mix between two other trading card games), and that the cards were well-balanced and complex strategies were possible. It was about as exciting as it sounds.

The only GM related stuff I've done this month was starting a project i call "Survival horror". As you could guess, it hasn't got a name yet and yes…it's going to be a survival horror (who'd have thunk it eh?). It's gonna involve some cliche infested location with plenty of cheap scares throughout. I've haven't done much on it because of the whole "learning C#"(apparently pronounced c sharp, not c hash).

Anyway it's late and i'm going to bed, 'cause i've been up since 5 A.M. See you around

Over and out


Juju 15 years, 10 months ago

Yup, it's C-sharp. The reason behind it is due to typographical limitations of the past.

SteveKB 15 years, 10 months ago

I'm almost done with the XNA 2d tutorial. But I've been too busy. :p

sk8m8trix 15 years, 10 months ago

Gah, I made a maze game on my X-Box using XNA a while ago, C# sucks, it's annoying and deserves to burn. Hell Java is better than C#.

SixWinged 15 years, 10 months ago

I attempted to learn XNA once, I hated it and never tried again.

Juju 15 years, 10 months ago

Let's not get into the C versus Java argument.

Golden Wolf 15 years, 10 months ago

@ meow44 Yup that tutorial is overly long, but i guess it's sort of necessary.

…and yeah, C# isn't the greatest progamming language ever, but it does the job.

Zac1790 15 years, 10 months ago

Seriously, XNA is a way for Microsoft Game Studios to harvest more of the market.

And if you're the analytical type of person… Note that Sandy is from Microsoft and there are some similarities between the XNA marketing strategy and YoYo Games'. Probably just the fact that they host the largest kit-based game making contests on the planet, but you know, there could be other reasons.