Even more game updates!

Posted by Gordy on Jan. 9, 2012, 3:09 p.m.

well, today is my birthday, so what did I decide to do?

rewrite my game!

yep, and this time, i've built it around using 3d models.

also, now there are multiple shadow layers, one for the walls, and one for models, this way, i can have shadow casting models, that don't recieve their own shadow, but can still recieve shadows from other things, like walls.

don't mind the character model, it was just made for testing animated models (which works quite well by the way). the only issue i'm still a bit concerned about now, is lightmapping models that can move.

so, the artists asked for some concept art, now, i'm a pretty terrible artist, so please excuse the abhorrent inking.

(drawn before we decided to change the character)

anyways, the 3d modeler has begun working on some models for the game, and the other artist has begun some concept and promotional art.

you may notice, that the main character is now female, she doesn't have a name yet, but we're getting her and the story all worked out at this very moment.

also, for 64digits, the blog posting should really have a preview button, and a wysiwyg editor, not because they're the in thing right now, but because they really do make posting a less grueling task.

(i'd offer to throw one in, but no ftp access)

anyways, that's about it, just wanted to keep you guys up to date!


LAR Games 13 years, 1 month ago

Shoot, looking through the concept art I thought I was going to be the first one to compliment it. Guess not. lol

Great work.

sirxemic 13 years, 1 month ago

Quote: xot
You tricked us into thinking the effects were all… vanilla-GM.

You made me lose respect for you :( or something.

You've disappointed me, at least.

Oh well, the game looks great nonetheless, and the concept art looks interesting. Keep up the good work.

Gift of Death 13 years, 1 month ago

What version of GM are you using? Since in 8.1 3D surfaces are fixed and that .dll isn't as necessary. I don't know how much faster it is than built-in surface thingies.

Gordy 13 years, 1 month ago

@sir xemic, actually, it's just because i'm using gm8, surface fix is not necessary with gm81. ( i find the 3d runs slower with 8.1, so i just avoid it )

i do all of the transforming and modifying with pure gml.

(the effects are french vanilla)

@purianite, yes, currently each frame is a loaded model, i would've used an animation tweening system using transformations, but doing that in realtime is more of a tradeoff than a slightly longer load time.

@god, yeah, i'm not actually using the surface dll to call and modify surfaces, it's purely for fixing surfaces not being rendered correctly in 3d.