Hey there all! Its time for another little update. Well at my college im taking an intermediate maya class. We are modeling an original character. Halfway through the semester I decided to restart my model and Im glad I did. Here is a sample of how its turning out so far:
PLUS!! Here are some character designs for a short film im working on for school:
well there you go! Semester is going pretty good! However, I have been wanting to get back to game maker and make some games!!!!!!! btw, does anyone know when game maker studio is being released??? Just hear about it about a 2 weeks ago and it sound promising! Well enjoy and Thanks!!!
Carmen Sandiego, dangerous!pretty
Thanks alot guys!! :) I appreciate it!
Looks cool.
(Did someone say JuurianChi and CG in the same breath?)Whoa, awesome model.
Thank you all!! :)
Wow the model is beautiful, reminds me of a character from FFX-2
@ Carlos508 thanks! thats an honor