[Hero] Cybernations 64Digits Alliance!

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Aug. 30, 2007, 6:35 p.m.

Finally, I've had this thing planned for weeks, but both 64Digits and Cybernations were down for a long while.

It is my desire to launch a 64Digits alliance on the game of Cybernations, which can be found here:


I will help guide new members through the game, provide you guys with financial assistance, and whatever you need. DesertFox who has been studying up on many of the CN politics will be my vice president. (Plus, the two of us both going to RIT will greatly improve our communication within the alliance)

The first few weeks will be largely a noob herding operation, but once you guys get the hang of things, we will appoint those of you who stand out into the appropriate government positions.

So, want to help?

Go to www.cybernations.net, and register a new nation.

Important things to do:

-Team Color should be set to white (We'll be a white alliance)

-Government should be Monarchy (don't worry what your people want, always have it set to Monarchy)

-Set your tax rate to trhe maximum 28%

-Set your war preference to allow war (The alliance serves as a means of protection)

-Set your alliance affiliation to "64Digits"

And if there are any other issues with registration, I'll help you with those. I'll also borrow/write a collection of CN guides for yoiu guys to learn from. This blog and others after it will serve as a communications hub until we get a forum set up.

So, what's the point? To show everyone that we can be a powerful force in a game like this! A 300 member forum spawned a 72 man alliance, imagine what our 4000 strong memberbase could do!

As the founder and leader of the alliance, I will be seeking treaties with larger forces to ensure our saftey, in particular, protectorate status under one of the most powerful alliances in the game.

EDIT 1: This bit (which I'll keep at the bottom) is the charter of the alliance. At least until some of it gets fixed. IE, the first few parts need rewriting.

The Official Source Code of the 64Digits Alliance

I. Pre-rabmle

We, the people of 64Digits, unite in one alliance and declare our sovergnty, to promote our love of both programming and playing eachothers games, and stuff, or other mumbo-jumbo that makes us sound important.

It is the Government's duty to provide Order to an alliance. The Government is to serve the People. This Source Code is enacted to provide the manner by which the Government and the Membership shall conduct themselves.

II. Membership Rights, Responsibilities, and laws

A. Rights

1. The Right to speak in a time, place, and manner of one's choosing shall not be infringed.

a. Unless you are an asshat.

2. The Right to possess and use any weapon one can obtain shall not be infringed.

3. The Right to defend oneself shall never be infringed.

4. The Right to remove yourself from the alliance at any time shall not be infringed.

B. Responsibilities

1. You, and you alone, are responsible for your actions as an individual.

2. You agree to abide by this charter and all it's regulations.

3. This ain't the Matrix, you have to follow the rules.

4. You agree to not be an asshat.

C. Obvious Laws

1. NEVER share secret alliance info with unauthorized persons.

2. You may not declare war on any nation affiliated with an alliance unless approved by the government.

a. One man alliances don't count.

3. You may not use nuclear weapons on any aligned nation unless approved by the government.

a. One man alliances don't count.

4. If you declare war against an unaligned individual, take screens to prove unaligned status.

5. A member may not hold more than one government position, excluding underlings of cabinet members.

6. Don't be an asshat.

D. Other Stuff

1. If attacked, you have the right to recieve aid from the alliance. If you attack and get screwed, you may or may not recieve help.

III. Government

A. Positions

1. The Lead Programmer (LP) of 64Digits is the leader of the alliance.

a. Anything He/She/It says, goes, with *some* exceptions.

b. He's got an Assistant Programmer (AP) that he appoints.

2. The Congress is a body of individuals who act to do stuff in the alliance.

3. The Cabinet is comprised of several officials

a. Minister of Internal Affairs

b. Minister of Foreign Affairs

c. Minister of Defence

d. Minister of Finances

e. Minister of Recruitment

f. Minister of Propaganda and Lies

g. Cabinet officials may appoint underlings and give them various tasks.

h. Also, Cabinet must appoint Deputy Ministers/Vice Ministers, to be their second in command.

i. DM's may act as their respective Minister in that Minister's absence.

j. People can be underlings to more than one Minister, but only DM to one.

4. Honored Official People: Underlings and advisors to the Lead Programmer.

a. Can put their signature on things as well as a show of support.

b. Just like the other underlings, only a lot more important.

B. How This Shit's Gonna Work

1. The first LP will be the founder of the alliance.

2. The LP may voluntarily step down, and appoint a new Lead Programmer.

3. The LP may be impeached by a 75% vote in the Congress.

a. The Congress will then elect a new leader.

b. The LP stays in office until the new LP is elected.

c. The LP is autmatically a canidate in the new LP election.

d. The LP can't step down and appoint after he's been impeached.

4. If the LP is incapacitated, the AP becomes the LP until the LP is able to return.

a. In the event the LP does not return, the AP becomes the LP.

i. Meaning: More than 20 days absence, and the Congress votes on wether the AP is the new LP permanantly.

b. The LP can also transfer temporary power to the AP at any time.

i. He can take it back whenever he feels like it.

ii. Congress can't vote to make this permanant.

c. In an emergency situation where the LP is unavailable, the AP may act as the LP.

5. The LP appoints his Cabinet.

a. Cabinet appoint underlings

6. Congress members are elected by the population, by popular vote.

7. The LP may NOT (by himself):

a. Delete (Disband) the alliance.

b. Declare War.

c. Edit (Amend) the Source Code.

d. Violate the general rights of the membership (Section II, Article A)

e. Be an asshat/abuse his power.

8. Congress stuff.

a. Congress may declare war with a 67% vote, or 50% and the LP's approval.

b. Congress may delete the alliance with an 80% vote AND the LP's approval.

c. Congress may edit the Source Code by a 67% vote, or 50% and the LP's approval.

i. The edit must then pass a 75% approval by popular vote of the general membership;

the entire charter will be posted on a forum, deleted sections in strikethrough

and new content in bold.

ii. Absolutely NO ryders on amendments.

d. The LP may bring any issue to a vote before the Congress.

e. The Congress may expel a member by a 60% vote.

f. The Congress may issue fines or punishment on members by a 50% vote.

g. Discuss, write, and ratify by a 50% vote new laws for the alliance.

h. The LP may veto any act by the Congress.

i. Congress may override a veto with a 75% vote.

i. In the context of this source code, 67% means exactly 2/3.

9. LP specific stuff

a. LP can issue a gag on specific members or specific threads.

i. But never a general gag order for everyone on everything.

ii. This doesn't mean you can share sekrits.

iii. This will generally be reserved for asshats though.

b. LP can terminate or suspend any member's membership at any time

i. Must tell the rest of the alliance why that member was expelled

c. The LP can enact laws for the alliance.

C. Is For Cabinet

1. Minister of Internal Affairs (MoIA)

a. Is in charge of internal affairs. May appoint people to help.

b. Moderates the forum.

2. Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)

a. Is in charge of building relations with foreign alliances.

b. Also, negotiating treaties and stuff.

i. Treaties must be approved by LP, MoFA, and 50% of Congress to go into effect.

c. May appoint diplomats to help work with other alliances.

d. Public face of the alliance.

3. Minister of Defence (MoD)

a. Responsible for planning offensive and defensive wars.

b. War strategy and planning.

c. Establish pecking order within millitary.

d. Gives orders for military actions.

4. Minister of Finances (MoF)

a. In charge of the banking and finances of the alliance.

b. Works with MoD durring wartime for bank stuff

c. Organizes aid chains and stuff.

d. Like everyone else, can appoint underlings to assist.

e. Also, assigning banking nations.

5. Minister of Recruitment (MoR)

a. Responsible for recruiting new members to the alliance

b. Can hire recruiters.

6. Minister of Propaganda and Lies

a. Given to the best photoshop artist.

b. Can hire other artists.

c. In charge of making prety pictures and stuff to promote the alliance.

7. The LP has all the powers of any Cabinet member.

IV. Other Crap

A. New Member Requirements

1. Must not be involved in active wars (or be hiding in peace mode because an alliance is after you)

2. Must fill out the appropriate application.

3. You must not have the 64Digits Aliance Affiliation (AA) until accepted into the alliance.

a. "64Digits Applicant" is acceptable to put in your AA durring the application process.

b. Anyone with the AA "64Digits Applicant" is considered to be under the protection of 64Digits.

4. You may only apply for membership once every month.

5. Your team color must be White.

6. You may not be a member of more than one alliance.

7. Exceptions to these rules may be made at the discretion of the LP or MoR.

8. Your application may be denied for any reason whatsoever.

B. Pecking Order Kinda

1. Lead Programmer

2. AP

3. Cabinet

4. LP Underlings

5. Congress

6. Deputy Ministers

7. Cabinet Underlings

8. General Membership

C. On ZI Lists

1. LP can add someone to the ZI list.

2. Congress can add someone to the ZI list by a 60% vote.

3. Anyone who nukes a member is automatically on the ZI list.

D. Also

1. We are a sovergn alliance.


ludamad 17 years, 5 months ago

I'm gonna join.

Andes 17 years, 5 months ago

I'll join.

HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

If you need help, first check the guides on the Cybernations forums, if you can't find what youre looking for post here

HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

also people, make sure you go into "edit my nation" and set your alliance affiliation to 64Digits

JID 17 years, 5 months ago

sounds awesome, I'm going to be a dictator! :D

HeroofTime55 17 years, 5 months ago

If you can't figure out how to set your Alliance Affiliation, just put it in your nation profile so I can search for stragglers and guide them to the alliance

ludamad 17 years, 5 months ago

Alright, I'm all joined, the game looks pretty cool.

DesertFox 17 years, 5 months ago


Magicman657 17 years, 5 months ago

Also, I'll probably be helping out a bit, although I might not have membership in the alliance forever (already doing governmental jobs for a different alliance, but I'm gonna see about getting some aid and guides once everything is ready).

Don't question my role, just expect to see me hanging around.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 5 months ago

I joined, but I'm feeling pretty sleep-deprived right now and the game looks complicated.