Sleep Paralysis

Posted by HeroofTime55 on June 30, 2010, 6:13 p.m.

I'm going to try and induce sleep paralysis.

That's basically when your brain literally paralyzes your body during REM sleep so you don't act out your dreams. Except sometimes people wake up and find themselves paralyzed. And then they hallucinate because their brain still thinks they're asleep, and it really can scare the shit out of you (This is where 99% of alien abductions and demonic spirit encounters come from)

But if you go into it prepared, you can avoid the fears that come with it being unexpected. And it can apparently lead you to have lucid dreams, which are a pretty sweet deal.

From what I've read on the Internets, and this method may thus turn out to be unreliable, is that you have to lay motionless on your back and try to stay awake. If you get an itch or the urge to roll over, ignore it because that's your brain testing to see if you're still awake. And if you want to get out, and this is probably even more reliable, it says to hold your breath and shock your brain into full wakefulness. More reliable sources say to try and wiggle fingers and toes if possible, to look around the room and control what you can to try and help your brain to figure out that you're awake.

Unrelated video filled with lulz:

Warning: Every other fuckin' word in the above fuckin' video is the motherfuckin' word 'fuck' so if you're fuckin' offended by such fuckin' language don't fuckin' watch the fuckin' video. Or read this fuckin' disclaimer.


Zarniwooop 14 years, 7 months ago

Sounds interesting, the human brain can act pretty strange sometimes =O

thernz 14 years, 7 months ago

Oh that used to happen to me thrice a week. I must have slept in the most wrong way. And it was horrible.

Polystyrene Man 14 years, 7 months ago

I've had sleep paralysis on a regular basis (bimonthly, usually) for the past two years. You don't want it. The hallucinations and dream control are interesting, but dwarfed by the pain and fear of suffocation and ear-shattering noise. You feel like you're being electrocuted, while simultaneously having a bad trip.

This coming from someone who knows how to "control it" and who's done plenty of psychedelics… if you want to have fun, introspective, life-changing hallucinations, try acid. Or take the time to learn how to induce lucid dreaming. Or meditate. Don't try for sleep paralysis.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 7 months ago

I appreciate your advice Polystyrene Man, but I'm going to ignore it. I'd rather experience it 'for the first time' under my own control and with the knowledge of what's going on, instead of waking up in the middle of the night one unexpected time years from now, trying to struggle as a landing party of greys takes me aboard their ship and starts probing my asshole.

(Incidentally, you're far from the only person on the intarnets who cautions against sleep paralysis on that reasoning)

Avenger 14 years, 7 months ago

Hmm… Something Polystyrene Man posted makes me wonder if I've had a sleep-paralysis thing and never noticed it. Sometimes when I'm try to go to sleep, I hear a REALLY loud ZAP noise, and then it feels like my head got shocked with 2000 volts of electricity. It occurs several times, once after I lay my head back down. After a few zaps I'm awake fully and try to fall asleep again, which usually works. Its really odd, painful, loud, and sort of scary.

Quietus 14 years, 7 months ago

if you're looking for the conscious entity that inspires all alien/demonic visions, or just want to experience the general feeling of horror, just take 50-75mg of benadryl (aka any sleeping pills) and i swear to god it's the same thing. i even have the same hallucinations of bugs that i get from sleep paralysis! but you can actually move which is infinitely better. there's no way around not moving in sleep paralysis, you have to just flow with it in order to have lucidity/dream control.

i have nothing against sleep paralysis but it generally comes on it's own and is hard to induce, and when you get it you're too freaked out to take control. if it helps i usually get them when i seriously alter my sleep schedule, ie sleeping a few hours, waking up a while, then sleeping another few hours, i would guess the more chances passing in and out of sleep would be better since it occurs during the "transition".

OBELISK 14 years, 7 months ago

But then you'll wake up…


The year 2001 to be precise.

Polystyrene Man 14 years, 7 months ago

I forgot to note- do whatever you want. I'd probably have the same response as you. But I can promise you there are MUCH better ways of altering your consciousness. Thinking you can control sleep paralysis is in the realm of naivete.

Also, hel is right. I get sleep paralysis because my sleep schedule is fucked patched.

Ferret 14 years, 7 months ago

I hear a REALLY loud ZAP noise, and then it feels like my head got shocked with 2000 volts of electricity
I get that from time to time as well, scares the hell out of me.

Avenger 14 years, 7 months ago

Yeah. Sometimes it feels like a claw has scratched my ear (whichever side I'm sleeping on) and when I lift my head it goes away… When I lay back down, it hurts again because I'm still half asleep.

Also, perhaps this is a similar thing… When I get into a real deep thought, its like any noise is amplified. Someone drops a pillow and it sounds like a bomb exploded.

[weak] Example of a deep thought: (not claiming its necessarily true, we will probably never find out) Time travel. Say someone eventually makes a time machine, well, the theory is that someone in the future will end up using it to go to the past, which at some point will change it so the time machine does not exist. Doing so means that the time machine never existed, so that the future never happened, which means that person never traveled to mess up the future, which means that the time machine still exists. That means nothing happened, and yet it still does. Thus, time travel actually does not work and therefore never will. So time travel means we can't time travel ironically. Its like every moment is a weave in the fabric of time, and it cannot be changed.