Sleep Paralysis

Posted by HeroofTime55 on June 30, 2010, 6:13 p.m.

I'm going to try and induce sleep paralysis.

That's basically when your brain literally paralyzes your body during REM sleep so you don't act out your dreams. Except sometimes people wake up and find themselves paralyzed. And then they hallucinate because their brain still thinks they're asleep, and it really can scare the shit out of you (This is where 99% of alien abductions and demonic spirit encounters come from)

But if you go into it prepared, you can avoid the fears that come with it being unexpected. And it can apparently lead you to have lucid dreams, which are a pretty sweet deal.

From what I've read on the Internets, and this method may thus turn out to be unreliable, is that you have to lay motionless on your back and try to stay awake. If you get an itch or the urge to roll over, ignore it because that's your brain testing to see if you're still awake. And if you want to get out, and this is probably even more reliable, it says to hold your breath and shock your brain into full wakefulness. More reliable sources say to try and wiggle fingers and toes if possible, to look around the room and control what you can to try and help your brain to figure out that you're awake.

Unrelated video filled with lulz:

Warning: Every other fuckin' word in the above fuckin' video is the motherfuckin' word 'fuck' so if you're fuckin' offended by such fuckin' language don't fuckin' watch the fuckin' video. Or read this fuckin' disclaimer.


Quietus 14 years, 7 months ago

oh yeah! that makes me think of when i'm falling asleep and semi-already-dreaming and right as i transition i get the feeling of falling and i "jump" and scare myself awake. that happens more often than sleep paralysis, which usually comes on the transition out of sleep.

KaBob799 14 years, 7 months ago

I just read up on sleep paralysis and it's happened to me at least a few times but not for very long. I don't think I ever had the hallucinations, but I have been unable to move and felt like there was a pressure on my chest. I think it's been years since it's happened though, but if I fell back asleep afterwards I might not even remember it happening <_<

I don't like it though, it always makes me think "wth am I dying or what?"

Quietus 14 years, 7 months ago

usually my "hallucinations" in sleep paralysis are just distorted perceptions of things that are around my waking body, like the chair beside my bed would either be a person staring over me or i'd see a bug on it crawling toward me and i'd be unable to move and thus freak out.

NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 7 months ago

I personally tried lucid dreaming but it didn't work cause I thought I had to go through sleep paralysis to induce it, which by the way I'm terrified of.

I have to ask, where did you get the idea? I tried this like, a few days ago because something came up online. As in, for some reason I was browsing 4chan at 3am and a lucid dreaming thread came up. I just read your title and I thought, "oh wow, that's a neat coincidence"

sirxemic 14 years, 7 months ago

I am not sure but I think I find my 'normal' dreams more interesting than lucid dreams. =P

Cesque 14 years, 7 months ago


blackhole 14 years, 7 months ago

I've never had any of these problems ever and my sleep cycle is psychotic.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 7 months ago

dabridge: I got it from a life hacking thread on 4chan (lols)