64Digits Cybernations Alliance

Posted by HeroofTime55 on July 27, 2010, 4:07 p.m.

This is an alliance in an internet MMO war game. We're coming back and to new heights, I'm working around the clock to get things set up and running. An official charter is in the works with a couple of folks who have been at this game for long enough to know what works.

Anyway, the reason I'm making this blog is to tell you to JOIN our alliance, our endeavor under the 64Digits name, to establish (or rather, re-establish) our presence, and once again impact the game.

Technically, we've been here for awhile, and we have a reputation of extreme honor (and thus, respect) for our past actions, and we are going to continue on that path.

Anyway, enough blabbing. Our forums are at http://cybernations.64digits.com/forums/, we have an IRC channel at #cn64 on irc.coldfront.net, and the game itself, which you should register for, is located at http://www.cybernations.net/ (Though I'm sending you through my referral link, there's no use in throwing free resources in the trash)

When you create your nation, pick the White Team as your team color. There are guides on how to play on our forums, and I'll mask you for membership once you create your nation. You should then click "Edit My Nation" towards the bottom of the Nation Menu, and under Alliance Affiliation, select Choose Other and then type in '64Digits.'

Monies will be dropped on your heads at one point or another, probably sooner than later, to the tune of $3 million a pop, the maximum allowable aid to be sent.

Also, I will have a preference for 64Digits members to take up roles in the leadership of this alliance, naturally because I actually know you people better than the other fresh recruits We'll be getting. Also, you know, it's our namesake.


Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

Don't go 20 days inactive though. I made that mistake. They're really big on activity if I remember.

Hero, please say they changed that.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Oh ferret, I though you were not going to do this. My bad, I'll have niff drop money on you too, if you're sure you want to keep wine as a resource. I have to warn you there, I do strongly encourage you to reroll, it is *not* a minor thing you're sticking yourself with.

Ferret 14 years, 6 months ago

Wine is that bad? M'k, what do I do delete and wait 5 days?

Edit: I'll delete.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Kilin: It's 25 days now :P

But if you're going on a month long vacation you can have someone watch over your nation for a period.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Ferret: The reverse, you wait 5 days and delete :P

I'm doing it too. And you CANNOT send or receive aid or anything in that time, and say in peace mode so nobody declares war on you.

Then once you're done, just create a new nation under the same account, and hope that you roll better, which really isn't terribly hard, only like 4 of the resources really suck. Wine, furs, silver, and gems are those four. For some reason, people like gold, even though it's not great either, so you won't have a hard time trading if you pull gold.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Also, Arc you are lucky. Rubber isn't great, but Uranium is a GOD TIER resource, and you should have absolutely no trouble finding trade partners… In fact, all old nations need Uranium for nukes. You'll get tons of people begging you to trade with them, even, and may be able to make a little lot of profit off of it :P

Ferret 14 years, 6 months ago

I didn't have to wait O-o I have it already. Gems and rubber, good resources?

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Ferret: idk how you deleted already, my 5 day counter still has a couple days left on it :/

Also that is terrible, gems and rubber? It's *slightly* better than what you had, but I'd honestly re roll again if I were you :/

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

I'm so sorry you're having bad luck >_<

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Juju: You might be able to pull what ferret just did