64Digits Cybernations Alliance

Posted by HeroofTime55 on July 27, 2010, 4:07 p.m.

This is an alliance in an internet MMO war game. We're coming back and to new heights, I'm working around the clock to get things set up and running. An official charter is in the works with a couple of folks who have been at this game for long enough to know what works.

Anyway, the reason I'm making this blog is to tell you to JOIN our alliance, our endeavor under the 64Digits name, to establish (or rather, re-establish) our presence, and once again impact the game.

Technically, we've been here for awhile, and we have a reputation of extreme honor (and thus, respect) for our past actions, and we are going to continue on that path.

Anyway, enough blabbing. Our forums are at http://cybernations.64digits.com/forums/, we have an IRC channel at #cn64 on irc.coldfront.net, and the game itself, which you should register for, is located at http://www.cybernations.net/ (Though I'm sending you through my referral link, there's no use in throwing free resources in the trash)

When you create your nation, pick the White Team as your team color. There are guides on how to play on our forums, and I'll mask you for membership once you create your nation. You should then click "Edit My Nation" towards the bottom of the Nation Menu, and under Alliance Affiliation, select Choose Other and then type in '64Digits.'

Monies will be dropped on your heads at one point or another, probably sooner than later, to the tune of $3 million a pop, the maximum allowable aid to be sent.

Also, I will have a preference for 64Digits members to take up roles in the leadership of this alliance, naturally because I actually know you people better than the other fresh recruits We'll be getting. Also, you know, it's our namesake.


Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

I remember when I played, I had something like…coal and marble? Not sure, I just remember black and white. People liked to trade with me.

Ferret 14 years, 6 months ago

;_; I'll delete again.

I need to wait until August 2nd… who wants all my money? :D

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Ferret, if you sent out aid you'll be waiting till the 7th, 10 days for aid slots to clear.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

@kilin: Yeah, coal/marble is really good. I had aluminum/marble which is one of the best combos.

eagly 14 years, 6 months ago

I've got coal and sugar. Some dude wants to trade with me and give me 3 million??

DesertFox 14 years, 6 months ago

I decided I might get into this again, and I created my nation. I got gems and water - I think I'm going to wait to re-roll. Water is good, yeah, but gems are bleh. I remember when I played earlier, people kept dumping my trade because one of my resources was shit and the other was so-so - and they kept finding someone with a better trade, and would cancel without warning.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, eagly coal and sugar are good. Keep 'em. What does the other guy have? Read the resource trading guide and check what each does on the list in CN. A lot of times people make an offer of cash 'cause they have shit themselves, so if you accept set a time line on it, 'cause they treat those like contracts.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

All of you: I *really* need to to be signing up for the forums at http://cybernations.64digits.com/forums/. No, it's not some silly little thing, it's actually important. You don't need to be on IRC (though it is preferred), but the forums are a must. When we start recruiting from the general membership of Cybernations, I'm going to have to do roll calls from time to time which require the forum. Also, there are very useful guides to building your nation. Also, participation (Which I don't blame you for not happening at this early stage) on the forums will help retain those general members in the alliance. It really is a vital thing that holds the alliance together, even if you just play spam games on the forum. So pleeeease sign up.

One last question: Who is Vincent Gorogh of Dimentia?

Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

I remember the name "Dimentia," but not its ruler. I recruited a couple friends into the 64D alliance a couple years ago, but I forgot their names, or whether they still play.

eagly 14 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, I read the guide and accepted the trade because he had good stuff. Fish and rubber. I'm aiming for that second trade setup but with something substituted for sugar.