Dear Pope Benedict XVI

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Sept. 17, 2010, 10:13 p.m.

Fuck you.

In a recent speech, you equated atheism with Nazism. I am not a Nazi and the two concepts have nothing to do with each other.

Yes, we live in an age where religion is quickly dying out. In the past, religion served to 'fill in the gaps' of human knowledge. Whenever science has come along to fill those gaps with the truth, those clinging to their religious beliefs stop the progress of science, and for many centuries, religion has held back the human race and our progression forward.

Today we live in an era dominated by science and technology; new discoveries are being made every day, and we know more about the universe and it's workings than anyone in history. This is a scary thing for religion, because it's purpose of 'filling in the gaps' is quickly becoming vestigial. It is, of course, no wonder that a large number of religious bodies are aggressively fighting against this new era of humanity, and it's not surprising to watch them go to such ridiculous extremes as to make comparisons with Hitler and Nazism. Pathetic, really.

But for calling me a Nazi: Fuck you.


HeroofTime55 14 years, 5 months ago

Lapixx - Why are we here? Because we evolved by random chance. There is no greater purpose, except what we make for ourselves.

Religion exists for people who can't give themselves a purpose in life, people who need or want someone else to tell them what that purpose should be. The reality is that life is what you make of it. You can choose to feel worthless, nothing more than a random occurrence in the universe… Or you can work towards making something great of yourself and humanity.

This is why I firmly believe in a focus on space exploration, and eventually the colonization of solar system bodies and onward to the stars, the search for other life out there, and so on. To ensure the survival of our species on large time scales. That's my purpose, to contribute to the sum of all human knowledge so that this may one day become a reality, before we kill ourselves on this earth because 'god told us to.'

Nighthawk 14 years, 5 months ago

Religion is not fighting the expansion of discovery and technology. I have been a devout Christian my whole life, and I am also very interested in science. I'm not alone, either, there are many Christian scientists. There is nothing in the bible that says technology is evil; there is no passage that says exploring God's world and figuring out how it all works is a sin. It's not a case of science vs. the church, as some would like to have it painted. For the record, Christianity has not been proven wrong. True, it cannot be definitively proven through science, but there IS evidence of past events spoken of in the bible, just as there are inconclusive scraps of evidence regarding evolution, and the big bang. These are scientific theories, and the theory I subscribe to is creationism.

HeroofTime55 14 years, 5 months ago

Nighthawk, the conflicts arise when Science explains something that Religion has explained differently. Examples include the fact that the Earth orbits the Sun and Evolution. The latter took hundreds of years to find acceptance, and evolution, if ever accepted (it sort of conflicts with nearly all creation fables) will take just as long if not longer.

And yeah, Christianity can't be proven wrong, congratulations for pointing out that. It can't be proven right either, and it can be easily demonstrated that out of the uncountably infinite number of possibilities for how the universe 'really is,' there is absolutely nothing to indicate that Christianity is the 'one true religion' beyond the fact that you happened to be born and raised, indoctrinated under it's teachings.

Furthermore: creationism is not a theory, please stop butchering scientific terminology to try and give credence to your unscientific beliefs. A 'Theory,' in Science, is just one step below a 'Law.' It's something that has been demonstrated thousands of times by repeatable experimentation and/or has mountains of backing evidence. Creationism (along with "Intelligent Design") is a hypothesis, and a poor one at that.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

Christianity can't be proven wrong
Mainly because there is no real definition of Christianity. When you try to prove it wrong, people will just adapt their views.

Christianity can be proven wrong if you define it as the belief based on the bible alone, which states the bible is true. We can prove the bible is wrong in some cases, thus also disprove this simple kind of Christianity.

Nighthawk 14 years, 5 months ago

Nighthawk, the conflicts arise when Science explains something that Religion has explained differently. Examples include the fact that the Earth orbits the Sun and Evolution. The latter took hundreds of years to find acceptance, and evolution, if ever accepted (it sort of conflicts with nearly all creation fables) will take just as long if not longer.

The FACT that the Earth orbits the Sun has been proven. There is no question about that because it has been tested, and there is clear cut evidence of it. Evolution cannot be tested, and is based in similarities in skeletons, and conjecture, not fact. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, though it is talked about as if it were fact.

And yeah, Christianity can't be proven wrong, congratulations for pointing out that. It can't be proven right either, and it can be easily demonstrated that out of the uncountably infinite number of possibilities for how the universe 'really is,' there is absolutely nothing to indicate that Christianity is the 'one true religion' beyond the fact that you happened to be born and raised, indoctrinated under it's teachings.

And you were taught about the theory of evolution through your teachers, or your parents, or possibly through books and articles. You believe what you were told was true by your fellow human being. My views are not any less valid based on the fact that I was raised to believe them. Evolution is one credible theory, but there are others, and intelligent design is one of them. There are Christians who believe that God used evolution to shape mankind as well. Your views are no more valid than mine.

Furthermore: creationism is not a theory, please stop butchering scientific terminology to try and give credence to your unscientific beliefs. A 'Theory,' in Science, is just one step below a 'Law.' It's something that has been demonstrated thousands of times by repeatable experimentation and/or has mountains of backing evidence. Creationism (along with "Intelligent Design") is a hypothesis, and a poor one at that.

Neither intelligent design nor evolution has been proven, and both are based in some level of unconvincing evidence. Both are theories, evolution is just more accepted by the scientific community. There is historical evidence and physical evidence of events that occurred in the bible, and few will debate the existence of Jesus, only whether or not he was who he said he was. There is physical evidence of evolution, but it has holes in it, and much of it is based in conjecture. (E.g. this skeleton looks very similar to that skeleton.) And why do you state that it is a "poor one?" What standard are you judging explanations for the universe by?

Toast 14 years, 5 months ago

While the distinct evolution of every species on earth hasn't been proven, evolution itself is fact and is certainly convincing. It follows logic. It has been proven that genetic mutations occur. It has also been proven that organisms reproduce and inherit the genes of their parents. Common sense tells us those that survive live to reproduce.

I think it is plausible to claim that evolution is an intelligent design, but not the species which evolve from others themselves. There is physical evidence of evolution (more than just skeletons), whilst by its own definition intelligent design cannot be observed, and therefore the probability of its existence is (at least) as unlikely as every other theory concerning our own creation. Biblical miracles could be observed but none have been, so that proves nothing.

So to answer your question Nighthawk, I see Intelligent Design as a poor hypothesis because it is only one in a universe of equally poor hypotheses, not equally good hypotheses.

"Faith" is irrational because the belief in something infinitely unlikely acts only as an insurance bet - but only if you're not aware of that, because religion usually forbids itself from being an insurance bet. I don't want to imply that belief in a specific form of religion is ignorant, but that's certainly the conclusion I just came to.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

Evolution is a theory, not a fact
Evolution is a fact. The scientific theory of evolution is a model describing the process, which isn't static but constantly refined.

noshenim 14 years, 5 months ago

A 'Theory,' in Science, is just one step below a 'Law.'
They are at different sets of 'stairs'. A law is a repeatedly observed observation. A theory is a set of concepts (like abstractions of observations) that form an explanation.

Also, nothing is proven.

Evolution is a fact, meaning that it is an observation. Things can be seen to make imperfect copies of themselves, which is all that is required for evolution to be a fact. (I've seen that just saying that 'evolution is a fact' is confusing)

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

Also, nothing is proven.
Mathematical and logical theorems or whatever to call them are proven…

noshenim 14 years, 5 months ago

(Oops) Well, humans don't have a perfect ability to evaluate those proofs anyway.