Dear Pope Benedict XVI

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Sept. 17, 2010, 10:13 p.m.

Fuck you.

In a recent speech, you equated atheism with Nazism. I am not a Nazi and the two concepts have nothing to do with each other.

Yes, we live in an age where religion is quickly dying out. In the past, religion served to 'fill in the gaps' of human knowledge. Whenever science has come along to fill those gaps with the truth, those clinging to their religious beliefs stop the progress of science, and for many centuries, religion has held back the human race and our progression forward.

Today we live in an era dominated by science and technology; new discoveries are being made every day, and we know more about the universe and it's workings than anyone in history. This is a scary thing for religion, because it's purpose of 'filling in the gaps' is quickly becoming vestigial. It is, of course, no wonder that a large number of religious bodies are aggressively fighting against this new era of humanity, and it's not surprising to watch them go to such ridiculous extremes as to make comparisons with Hitler and Nazism. Pathetic, really.

But for calling me a Nazi: Fuck you.


HeroofTime55 14 years, 5 months ago

@blackhole: Those situations are mathematically represented by 2+2+1 and 2+2-1. The math perfectly simulates reality without flaw. Some event must occur to change the number of apples you finally end up with. 2+2 is not an accurate assessment of what has occurred to modify the number of apples you own.

@Josea: Please not that argument. When I say "four" I mean the well established concept behind that word, not the symbol itself.

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

Juju is convinced the Matrix is real.

No really Juju, are you making all this up or did you actually discuss it with someone before? Because to be honest, it sounds like BS to me. And if it sounds like I'm too dumb to follow, I am, because I don't give a damn about pointless arguments like this.

But go ahead and enlighten me. Hero doesn't care. He goes off-topic on blogs all the time.

And blackhole, you might want to rethink your argument, because as Hero pointed out, math solves your apple problem. It doesn't matter whether or not the moron carrying the bag was so oblivious to not have seen the apple falling out of the sky.

Because if an apple fell out of the sky, hence no tree, I'd be pretty freaked out.

blackhole 14 years, 5 months ago


Exactly. You said you proved 2+2=4, not 2+2+1 or 2+2-1. You have to modify the math to adjust to reality. It still models it perfectly in all situations once you adjust it, sure, but you can't prove the model, only the abstract representation. Juju's main argument was focused on how we haven't actually proved jack shit in any of science, because that's impossible. You can't prove that gravity works. You can just be 99.9999% sure that it will because of past observations. Newton's laws were "proven" for a good 300 years before Einstein. I simply pointed out that you CAN prove math because it is totally abstract until applied to reality.

But no one really gives a shit anyway so fuck this.

Shork 14 years, 5 months ago

Damn it pope, for the last time, Nazis and atheists are not the same, as a Nazi I am constantly annoyed by the hippie liberal atheists saying that God doesn't exist when he so clearly does and wants the Jews destroyed for killing our lord and savior Jesus.

KaBob799 14 years, 5 months ago

Plus because we know 2+2=4 we know that when it appears that it does not then something else must have happened such as magical sky apples and not that the math must be wrong.

noshenim 14 years, 5 months ago

Nothing can be proven I believe that nobody can either prove anything or prove that nothing can be proven, even if either can be done abstractly.

Mush 14 years, 5 months ago

Has anyone ever noticed this:

Cesque 14 years, 5 months ago

Yes, because I do go on the Internet sometimes, Mush.

I see the whole issue of "you can't prove reality exists" entirely irrelevant. Both science and religion have to assume that it is indeed the case (even if it's unprovable), because otherwise they would have nothing to build models and beliefs out of.

Juju 14 years, 5 months ago

Reality exists because we assume it does. We also assume a long of other things - maths, science and especially religion are all based on assumptions. Our perception of reality is shaped by what we assume. Since we can assume whatever the fuck we want, reality isn't consistent from person to person or even from day to day for the same person. Since you and your reality are forever changing and you can change your beliefs at will, reality doesn't matter. You're going to die anyway (although that is an assumption). Get laid, get high, get smart, do whatever you want to make yourself happy.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

Reality is the state of things as they actually exist
So by definition reality exists.