I got 2 purple badges

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Sept. 23, 2006, 1:24 p.m.

I got 2 purple badges in ColumnsX! That means that JakeX should make me a game mod :D But he won't. And Eternal claims that its because I'm not a perfect typist.

Anyway, why isnt anyone downloading Tetris? Everyone was like "TETRIS!" and last i checked it had 17 downloads and a 7/10 rating…

It won't have a 7/10 rating for long though, ima gonna clean it up, and JakeX is helping me with a cool little suprise for the next version…


HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

Eternal, I'm on here all the time. And is "typing horribly" referring to the occasional missed capital letter? Because missing a capital leter every now and then dosent seem like the kind of thing to stop me from being a mod. As for "Not understanding sarcasm", I would have understood it if he didnt throw in the "and I'm not even joking" part. What he did was far beyond sarcasm. And no, I dont think I deserve it for being good at a game, I only saw this an an opportunity to become a mod.

And yeah, I have no trust in mods anymore. I havent really been involved in any of these other pranks you guys are talking about. But now I learned my lesson, that mods are not to be trusted. Ever.

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

The occasional capital letter. You spelled letter wrong.

And you may be active, but you don't participate in the community as much as other people, you lack that 'famous' element.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 4 months ago

You deserve the 'No Life' badge

Azure 18 years, 4 months ago

Well, instead of a staff position, you got a badge. Be happy with it and live. That's life, get used to it. If you wanna be a mod, you need to prove it to the staff differently. [:)]

smaksak 18 years, 4 months ago

You deserve the 'No Life' badge

HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

Oh no, i spelled letter wrong! Thats like, unforgivable. And *gasp* I'm not famous! Looks like I'll never be a mod now, huh?

HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

Like i said before, i didnt play out 160 long matches. You idiots. Did you ever try setting the difficulty to something else? You'll find the AI isnt quite as fast…

…And what badge did i get??

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

Not nessesarily famous, but the 'famous' elemt. Like people don't fucking know who you are.

If you can't take the time to spell right, then why should they take the time to make you a mod?

If people don't know who you are, why should you control them? You aren't exactly the most popular user here.

And you got the purple badges, dumbass.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

Oh yes, and everybody knows who people like <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=deepermeaning" target="blank">deepermeaning</a> are, right?

And again, i dont see what spelling has to do with anything. I misstyped a single letter, and youre all on my back like "OMG you shouldnt be a mod", being the elitist asshole you are.

Anyway, from this point on, and rude remark made in this blog will be deleted. I'm starting to get sick of it. And i think for Eternal, I'm going to extend that to include "Dumb Reasons for which a Person should Not be a Mod." Come up with actually intelligent reasons, please, not just "You're a poor typist"

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

Deepermeaning is most likely an existing mod. You can tell.

Okay, I will back up my "Dumb reasons".

If you cannot spell, why should you be able to mod?

Mods cannot confuse people, unintentionally. If you cannot spell or use proper grammar, it may confuse people, which will end up in conflict. Also, if you decline a game based on low quality, what will the author think when they see in their inbox:

"yuor game has bin declind sinse ti isnt very good"

Pretty hypocritical, right? Also, eventually, if you are a mod, you will be given database access. If you cannot spell correctly, you will make spelling mistakes in code, which will break the site.

If people have never heard of you, and you've never done anything great for the community. Why should you become a mod? Can you explain this?

So, before you call the obvious stupid, you should think about stuff. You are pretty much saying "I"… well, hold on. Let me restart: "i should b a mod becuz i can leave columnsx on for days"

Also, how am I an elitist asshole? Because I don't want this community to have you as a mod?