I got 2 purple badges

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Sept. 23, 2006, 1:24 p.m.

I got 2 purple badges in ColumnsX! That means that JakeX should make me a game mod :D But he won't. And Eternal claims that its because I'm not a perfect typist.

Anyway, why isnt anyone downloading Tetris? Everyone was like "TETRIS!" and last i checked it had 17 downloads and a 7/10 rating…

It won't have a 7/10 rating for long though, ima gonna clean it up, and JakeX is helping me with a cool little suprise for the next version…


HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

Ok… First, my grammar is NOWHERE near as bad as what you make it out to be. An occasional tyop here and there. And sometimes i miss the letter "r", because that key sticks sometimes. And as for coding the site, the only HTML i even know are the simple things like hyperlinks, pictures, and how to bold words. I wouldnt dare mess with the site code!

And actually, a good few have heard of me. Ok, mabye i'm not the most popular person here, but JakeX already told me awhile ago when i asked if he needed more game mods (I misinterpreted what he said to mean that there werent enough):

"No, it's not that. twisterghost single-handedly makes sure we maximize acceptance. Dedicated little bugger.

You see, our policy is to only accept 8 games every 24 hours, so all games get a fair shot on the Front Page. In fact, melee coded it so that we actually can't accept more than that limit.

So, we don't need another game mod. <b>If we did, though, you wouldn't be disqualified just because you haven't been here as long as some others</b>.

Now, if you have a better idea for how we should handle the Recent Additions, give me a shout."

Which, in a way, implies that my popularity would not be a factor.

For the last time, i dont think that playing a game is WHY i should be a mod. I had hoped it would have given me an opportunity to prove myself worthy. You see, i was fooled by that, but i only thought that, if anything, it would have been a trial mod position.

And finally, you are an elitist asshole because you believe that only those with perfect grammar, and those who are very famous, have the qualities for being mods.

The grammar argument is dead, but i'll allow you a last word on the popularity thing. After that, this argument is over. Im getting too sick of this.