Starting my first indie

Posted by Hypernova on Nov. 13, 2012, 10:28 p.m.

I'm starting an indie inspired by some other indies. There's too many Mario fangames, and I'm sick of doing lame "Here we go!" stuffs. Plus most of them are pretty bad.

If anyone have any suggestions or advise feel free to point that out.

EDIT: A tiny progress on the Miner (Quick Class):

Yep, he's a tiny bit inspired from TF2 engineer.


aeron 12 years, 2 months ago

My advise lol advice would be to try branching off fangames. A good fangame takes a very similar amount of effort as a good original game, and from what I've played your fangames are actually pretty good. Maybe if you apply that creativity towards your own (or at least not Nintendo's :P) ideas you will gain a different appreciation for your work. Also collaboration is good, you can benefit a lot from bouncing off ideas. But hell, in the end just make what you like.. if your passion brings you to make a terrorist zombie mario shmup set in vegas go right ahead, I'd probably play it and enjoy it just as much as an equivalent non-mario themed version of the game.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

death 12 years, 2 months ago

I've always been curious about people like you. (not trying to be offensive here) but what exactly gets people like you (people who only do fangames, until now) into wanting to design/program? If you don't actually have a design of your own, i'm not sure why someone would get into game programming.

Is it simply love for a franchise? They want their own hands on the franchise? a part of it to call theirs?

Here's what i've always thought about fangames: If it's all you can do, than you aren't much of a game designer, at all. However as a programmer, i think it's important to clone things in the programming sense. To learn how to do things and gain experience. Even some of the most simplistic games turn out to be difficult to program and get running perfectly. However making a similar engine does not mean you have to try and make an exact replica in game design.

Either way i'm happy to hear you've finally decided to leave your fangame-days behind, now you can join the rest of us artists :3

But… if you can't up with your own idea… im not sure if you're cut out for designing.

Toast 12 years, 2 months ago

Ok, everyone stop yelling at each other. I'll just translate and we can all use the translation for future reference.

I'm going to start making a computer game.

I don't want to make another Super Mario fan-game.


If anyone would like to suggest a game concept or share game development advice, feel free.



Hello Panzermancer, I'm interested in your offer to write a story plot which I can use for the game I'm making. Please send me a PM about it, so we can discuss this further. I will make sure your contribution does not go unrecognised.

sirxemic 12 years, 2 months ago

Plus most of them are pretty bad.
Out of curiosity, do you think so too about your own fangames?

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

@death, he may not be able to design, but if he can program, he's good enough.

You should make a game about a super hero who's a balloon and has balloon-relevant powers such as floating straight up, or expanding to knock back enemies, or making parts of him really big by squeezing other parts (not those parts, [furry].) Also, when he dies he could like, collapse and go shooting around the room in circles making that phbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssbbbbbbbttttttttttttt noise. God, that'd rule.

firestormx 12 years, 2 months ago

Indies based on indies is the new unborn baby.

F1ak3r 12 years, 2 months ago

It's so hipster and indie you have to be this underground to even get what it is.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

I don't get it.

Hypernova 12 years, 2 months ago

Mini update on the Quick Miner. Though the edges are pretty jagged. Any help would be superb. ; )

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

I think it's perfectly fine. You've got a knack for animating/spriting. It's a shame you didn't start making your own games sooner.

Also, what Steven said. This shit's ridiculous.