Venzi & Hanzi

Posted by Intaler on May 31, 2016, 9:03 p.m.

The name for my new game is stupid, but so is the game.

Basically my idea is for 2D sidescroller and 2D top-down view to collide, into a risk/reward dungeon crawler with different items granting you certain abilities or maybe even killing you. You control two differenct characters, Venzi & …

Space Shooter/Platformer/RPG

Posted by Intaler on June 25, 2015, 9:48 a.m.

Immediately after rising from the dead, I began this project. Not much have been achieved but I do have a pretty decent vision.

Here's a video of me beating two bosses:

(Embedded Video)

Basically it's an arcade game, but you have two different game modes (inside and outside spaceship) where …

From YYG to Life to 64D

Posted by Intaler on March 1, 2015, 9:05 a.m.

Where do I come from?

I was once an active member on the YoYo Games Forums. I joined in 2009, mostly posting in the general and help forums. I quit when they removed those forums and transferred to the GMC.

What are my game related skills?

Programming has never been …