Venzi & Hanzi
Posted by Intaler on May 31, 2016, 9:03 p.m.
The name for my new game is stupid, but so is the game.
Basically my idea is for 2D sidescroller and 2D top-down view to collide, into a risk/reward dungeon crawler with different items granting you certain abilities or maybe even killing you. You control two differenct characters, Venzi & …Space Shooter/Platformer/RPG
Posted by Intaler on June 25, 2015, 9:48 a.m.
Immediately after rising from the dead, I began this project. Not much have been achieved but I do have a pretty decent vision.
Here's a video of me beating two bosses:(Embedded Video)Basically it's an arcade game, but you have two different game modes (inside and outside spaceship) where …From YYG to Life to 64D
Posted by Intaler on March 1, 2015, 9:05 a.m.
Where do I come from?
I was once an active member on the YoYo Games Forums. I joined in 2009, mostly posting in the general and help forums. I quit when they removed those forums and transferred to the GMC.What are my game related skills?Programming has never been …