64DSC - "Akarn" Devlog #1: Here we go!

Posted by InvisibleMan on April 5, 2014, 7:33 p.m.

It's been a long time since we (IfThen Software) have been part of a competition! So far, this one has been a lot of fun :) I started on April 2nd, so not a lot of time was lost. I found out about it on /r/gamedev, thought it looked cool, and here we are!

Live Stream

We have been streaming the entire process (or as much of it as we can) on Twitch over at http://www.twitch.tv/invisibleman6. So far we have three "shows" recorded:

64DSC - Show #1: Brainstorming

64DSC - Show #2: Choosing a Code Name

64DSC - Show #3: Artwork!

I'm trying to make the recordings at least somewhat interesting; I hope you guys like them!


The game is currently code-named "Akarn", meaning "acorn" in Old Norse- the meaning doesn't really have any relation to the game though. It is a 2D side-scrolling platformer with adventure and horror elements, although the details haven't been nailed down yet. I'm thinking that your character will be a knight hired by the local village to get rid of the haunting on a nearby church, and things go downhill from there :D The plan is to make a limited-palette (16 colors) game in a similar style to arcade games from around the 80s to 90s.

Artistic Side

Jacob "GreyKnight" is drawing the art and handling most of the game design, including early prototyping using Stencyl. We are brothers, and have been working on games together since we started game development 14 years ago.

Speaking of artwork, Jake has thrown together a quick artwork prototype to show you guys roughly what we are thinking the game might look like:

The actual game screen will be 320x240 (stretched to 640x480, probably using nearest sampling since I might not have enough time to get bilinear filtering working), so the above prototype represents a semi-large section of the map; you won't be able to see that much in the actual game.

Techie Stuff

I'm handling all of the technical tasks, as well as scheduling. The game will be created for the Adobe Flash Player platform, written in ActionScript 3 using FlashDevelop. The game's primary editor will be Ogmo Editor, which I will design the engine around. The engine will be made up of a collection of open source ActionScript 3 libraries, using FlashPunk as a back bone with the Ash entity framework acting as the entity component system (ECS) and Box2DFlash for collision detection and physics (limited). I will likely add in more libraries as development progresses :)

I will also be using Subversion for version control. I am currently debating using Ant and Jenkins but since I have limited experience using these on AS3 projects, it’s doubtful that I will actually end up using them for this competition.


spike1 10 years, 9 months ago

Man, that tree looks rather nice, was it done in flash as vector, or is it rasterized? I remember I once made a game in flash, the animation ability really helps when it comes to making cutscenes, although your not using the adobe editor so I'm not sure what its like for you. On another note, have you ever used Git? I used that a little while back for a project and it was a pain in the …, so I'm wondering if Subversion is any better. I used it mostly for sharing files for the project and creating backup copies. Good luck with the game!

InvisibleMan 10 years, 9 months ago

Quote: spike1
Man, that tree looks rather nice, was it done in flash as vector, or is it rasterized?
Thanks! The tree was drawn in MSPaint. You can actually watch it being drawn in show #3 over here: http://www.twitch.tv/invisibleman6/b/517030145

We don't have access to any of the animation capabilities of the official editor; just code.

Quote: spike1
On another note, have you ever used Git?
I haven't, so I can't really compare them, sorry :S If you used GitHub though, setting up a Subversion server yourself would likely be much more complicated.

Quote: spike1
Good luck with the game!
Thanks! :D