Well that was... Unexpected

Posted by InvisibleMan on Sept. 5, 2014, 8:23 p.m.

First off, sorry about no project updates over the past couple days! It's been hectic.

One interesting thing that did happen is that Areum was talked about on a Polish MMORPG news website!


It wasn't a glowing review, but it's still super cool that they noticed our project :)

On the subject of what today's work looked like, it was something similar to the following:

  • 1 - 2 hours managing Twitter
  • 9 hours fixing unexpected household problems *facepalm*
Needless to say, not much progress was made on Areum >.< I'll have to take part of my day off (Saturday) to plan the next iteration, since I have no time left now. I'll post another project update either tomorrow or Sunday!
