Game Maker and Onlive :3

Posted by JID on Oct. 20, 2010, 2:29 p.m.

Yes, for all those who haven't heard, Game Maker is now officially awesome. I don't care what any of you say bad about it. The first game maker game to be released on an Iphone is out now for a small price of 99 cents(I sure as hell ain't buying it). I can't wait to see what people are going to be able to pull off with game maker in the next 5-15 years. I am pretty sure Game maker will function with consoles like Xbox, Playstation or WII by then. Oh, the possibilities. GM is also on PSP too which is cool too. :P

Now on to another matter, some shit called Onlive came out a few days ago. Don't know what it is? I'll tell you, you lazy obese sonavabitch. Imagine Xbox Live. Now imagine it on your PC. Now, imagine being able to play high end current-gen games on your shitty 10 year old computer. Yes, you heard me right. You can now play games like Mafia 2, Red Faction and quite a few high end games, right on that shitty thing you call a computer. I played it on my somewhat average computer, and it performed without a hiccup. There are probably only about 15 games available now. But tons more should be available within the coming months. The only downside to it for me though, is that you can't actually own your game in your hands, all the games you play are through the Onlive servers, so if the Onlive servers suddenly go haywire or explode or something like that, yo ass ain't playing yo game until dat shit fixed.

And obese stripper midget will be laughing at you.

Also here's some RANDOM GAME ALPHAS of mine.


PY 14 years, 3 months ago

The big turnoff for OnLive for me is absolute lack of moddability. I game on PC because I don't like the overrestrictive console sandbox - the solution to that is not to entirely separate me from the game.