Here's a small thanks to everyone who participated in my game, I made this pretty quick.
Enjoy :3 Hope you all enjoy the game when it comes out. :DEDITDon't get sad if your character didn't talk in the trailer. You'll talk plenty of times in the game's campaign. This is just the first cutscene your characters are in. :)
I'm a newbie. :D
lol. I made fun of your character a little. I'm sorry, it was just too hard to resist. XD
I actually wouldn't mind doing this again in TWE 2, it was actually pretty fun.Oh, and your character's will appear again in the game's campaign with more of a badass role. They will help the main character in a big ass battle. Who knows I might post another vid showing it.
How'd I get to be leader? O_oYour dude looks like he should be the leader.
Be happy, you've created quite the baddass.TOTES AWESOMESAUCE
It's cool what you did with my character, it kind of gives me some variety. XDOK.
I am now happy and feeling nauseous. XD(The nausea is unrelated.)I did tell you I sneaked in my logo on his shoulderpatch, right?@colseed
No.I didn't notice it.@QwilderwibbenDon't worry I'll make your character redeem himself from his noobism later on in the game. lol.EDIT:I made Eva Unit sound like he's black, lol. Maybe I did that without realizing that he actually looks black too.I just had this totes awesome idea man. You should totes make TWE 2 in UDK. I've been working with it for a while, and man, it's so totes radical man. If you made TWE 2 in UDK, it would be totes brotacular.
Totes brotacular.… This is actually a serious idea, you really should check UDK out. I think it would be worth your time.I checked it out before….. And it was too powerful to run on my computer.
;_;That would've been awesome though.>:U