TWE New Trailer + Other Gamezors.

Posted by JID on Jan. 22, 2011, 12:35 a.m.

My blog is about my game and AAA games that look pretty good, if you're not interested,



TWE Trailer

So yeah. I just made this video in like a half an hour and I just felt like uploading it to youtube. And I'd like to say that Windows Movie Maker sucks giant horse nuts. My quality was 720p when I first recorded it, but somehow this Shitty program called Windows Movie Maker manages to fuck it up and somehow make it look 240p. :(


It ain't that bad.

Sorry if the framerate is kind of choppy on some parts.

I've redesigned the main weapon of the game. It looks much better now.

Next, I'm gonna redisign the sniper rifle 'cause it looks like a water gun.


Oh yeah and about that demo I said I might release on Monday. There's a 50/50 chance I'll let you guys have a demo. If I don't release it on monday, I'll probably release it Tuesday. If not by then, well then I'll release it sometime this year or next. :P

Oh yeah and you spec ops douchebags are in the trailer. >:D


Other Gamezors

So on another note. Anyone here excited about this new Duke Nukem coming out? I keep hearing people talking about it. I've seen trailers, it looks funny and cool and all, but it looks like an XBLA game. I don't understand why it's getting so much hype. The game looks like it might be controversial due to so much nudity and such and such.

Since 64Digits doesn't allow more than one youtube vid per page, here's a link:

Duke Nukem Vid

I've never played a Duke Nukem game before but I might have to try to play this one to see what all the fuss is about.

Next game I want to play is Crysis 2, the thing looks pretty cool. The Multiplayer demo comes exclusively to Xbox Live January 25th, I think?

Crysis 2 Vid

Next on the list is Bulletstorm. Now, I really don't care about the game, honestly, because, all I really want to play is the Gears of War 3 beta. The game looks awesome.

Gears 3 Vid

2011 is shaping up to be another great year for games.

That's all I have to say. Either comment or GTFO.

Love you all, and have a nice day. :)


JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago

"Oh, my god that game was awesome!"

-Did you play it?

"No! I saw this wowsum trailer!

-… >_>


Carlos508 14 years, 1 month ago

wow that is def siiiick

JID 14 years, 1 month ago


I don't know what the hell Juurian means,

but thanks anyway.

JID 14 years, 1 month ago

Updated mah blawg.

I was too lazy to make a long blog yesterday.

Eva unit-01 14 years, 1 month ago

Duke Nukem, I really hate the old games, and this new one looks like it's Halo with a huge dose of something Epic Games would throw in…you know, crazed aliens, guns, testosterone. But hell yea I'm trying it xD.

Crysis 2. I must play this.

Gears 3. It's on my bucket list, I'm playing this before I die in a few years.

As for your game, HURRY UP MAN!

JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago

that last one,"testosterone".

Thats the one that will get you in trouble with the ESRB.

JID 14 years, 1 month ago


I was going to put Killzone 3 on the list, but I don't has a PS3. :(

And a couple of things I don't like about KZ3, is that it has every gimmick ever possibly invented crammed into one game and it also blatantly steals ideas from every AAA title ever known in the universe.

I mean, I haven't seen one original idea come out of the game at all, and yet I keep hearing people saying it's going to be the game of the decade.

/end rant

I should also put Brink in there, but Crysis looks like a much better version of it.

Also, I has a plan, I will try to release my game before this year is over. That is my New Years Resolution.

The demo though, should come out sometime within Monday-Friday of this week coming up.

Zac1790 14 years, 1 month ago

That looks really nice! I'll be checking in Monday and if it's not ready well… we don't want to lose any toes now do we?

This may be completely unrelated, but necessary since the FAQ page is gone, but what is the youtube tag here? I tried bracketed youtube then url, then bracketed slash youtube and it just left white space.

JID 14 years, 1 month ago

When making a comment look at the link above that says "BB Code",

That will tell you.

Zac1790 14 years, 1 month ago

Woah you're like a V3 genius! Thanks lol