1. Sanctuary - By andor00
Up next, honorable mentions. :DVaria - By KairosDescent - By rotten_taterPokemon Twilight - By KaBob799Congrats to the people who have made it into the top 30 most memorable GM games of all time. These were chosen over the thousands of GM games that have been made, consider yourselves lucky.If you think a game deserves to be up here, just tell me.
Top 30 Most Memorable GM Games
Posted by JID on Feb. 24, 2011, 10:56 a.m.
TOP 30 MOST MEMORABLE GAME MAKER GAMES OF ALL TIME:30. LOLOMGWTFBBQ - By twisterghost29. Desperation - By Jabberwock28.Innoquous 3- By NAL27.Jetz Rampage 4 - By S64 Games26. Street Bike Fury - By S64 Games 25.Evolites - By FredFredrickson24.You Can't Possibly Expect Me To Do That - By Cosine23.Astatine - By Cesque 22.Ark 22 - By Srehpog21.Ad Nauseam 2 - By cactus20.Assassin Blue - By BanovG19.Mondo Medicals - By cactus18. Jumper Two - By YoMamasMama 17. Boxes - By Twenty3 16. Invasion2 - By Dark Sirrus Games(DSG)15. Halo Creator - By Killpill28 14.Rez and The Forgotten - By Rez13.Hover Tank 3D - By FredFredrickson12.Cell Burst - By Elerminite11.Planet Of The Vegetables - By Josh10.Seiklus - By cly5m(tapeworm)9.Adrenaline - By OL and Bryan8.Sapphire Tears - By Requiem7. Iji - By Ultimortal6.GoMommy: Invaders Must Die! - By no0b5. A Day In The Life Of Bob - By Polystyrene Man4.10800 Zombies - By jw3.Soldexus - By Pneophen 2.The Cleaner - By bitpimp
Oh and if you have Windows Vista or higher, download THIS to be able to play GM6 games.
I forgot about your comment.Added.bacteria 2, hovertank 3d, wubly, azurerage…
AzureRage was never very big, though.
Rather nice list….
I seem to remember Infection (S64) rather well also, but that's probably just me. Others - Raging Skies (flying in circles ftw!), Shuttle.Bacteria 2, will be added to honorable mentions.
Hovertank is already there.Wubly will be added to honorable mentions.What Kilin said.karoshi would be on there if you had played it. its pretty good, mostly for the ideas put into it.
I think I may have actually played it once. But I'm not 100% sure.
Um, wheres that one Halo game, Battleships Forever, and Mordi's Worms?
What one Halo game?
Halo Creator is the only one I recall being successful.Halo:Out With a Wimper looks great, but it isn't complete yet…Halo Revolution, I just remembered it….I think it got overly controversal over at GMC…as they always tend to do. So the creator stopped working on it I guess.
Also throw Pokemon Twilight on that list.