Top 30 Most Memorable GM Games

Posted by JID on Feb. 24, 2011, 10:56 a.m.


30. LOLOMGWTFBBQ - By twisterghost

29. Desperation - By Jabberwock

28.Innoquous 3- By NAL

27.Jetz Rampage 4 - By S64 Games

26. Street Bike Fury - By S64 Games

25.Evolites - By FredFredrickson

24.You Can't Possibly Expect Me To Do That - By Cosine

23.Astatine - By Cesque

22.Ark 22 - By Srehpog

21.Ad Nauseam 2 - By cactus

20.Assassin Blue - By BanovG

19.Mondo Medicals - By cactus

18. Jumper Two - By YoMamasMama

17. Boxes - By Twenty3

16. Invasion2 - By Dark Sirrus Games(DSG)

15. Halo Creator - By Killpill28

14.Rez and The Forgotten - By Rez

13.Hover Tank 3D - By FredFredrickson

12.Cell Burst - By Elerminite

11.Planet Of The Vegetables - By Josh

10.Seiklus - By cly5m(tapeworm)

9.Adrenaline - By OL and Bryan

8.Sapphire Tears - By Requiem

7. Iji - By Ultimortal

6.GoMommy: Invaders Must Die! - By no0b

5. A Day In The Life Of Bob - By Polystyrene Man

4.10800 Zombies - By jw

3.Soldexus - By Pneophen

2.The Cleaner - By bitpimp

1. Sanctuary - By andor00

Up next, honorable mentions. :D


Gear World - By sirXemic

Spelunky - By Derek Yu

Shotgun FunFun - By Chad Chisholm

Varia - By Kairos

Descent - By rotten_tater

Pokemon Twilight - By KaBob799

Congrats to the people who have made it into the top 30 most memorable GM games of all time. These were chosen over the thousands of GM games that have been made, consider yourselves lucky.

If you think a game deserves to be up here, just tell me.

Oh and if you have Windows Vista or higher, download THIS to be able to play GM6 games.


JID 13 years, 12 months ago


JID 13 years, 11 months ago

Dayum, you revived this dead ass blog?

It's exactly a month old.

Btw, what's Untitled Story? I think I've heard of it before.

Google time.

JID 13 years, 11 months ago

Erm… I played it but I got a shit ton of error messages.

I tried downloading the game from multiple sites to see if there was a version with no error messages, but no luck.

It didn't seem any different then any other platformer I've played before, from what I've played.

So I think that it probably wouldn't have made the list anyway.

Glen 13 years, 11 months ago

I think Varia should have been on that top 30 instead of just honorable mentions. Kickass game.

Cesque 13 years, 11 months ago

I second Steven - Untitled Story is a great game and one best GM platformers. :P

This link works for me without problems on Windows 7.

JID 13 years, 11 months ago


I still get goddamn errors. >:(

Cesque 13 years, 11 months ago

Hmm. I remember that game working on my old PC on Win XP and it works on this one on Win 7. Maybe you just suck or the game doesn't like you or both :(

(or you did something stupid like launched it before unzipping it ;))

JID 13 years, 11 months ago


I have Windows 7 too, that's weird.

Eh, I'm too lazy to play through it anyway.

JID 13 years, 11 months ago

lol, now Norton thinks it's a virus and it's deleting it.

Stupid Norton.

Cesque 13 years, 11 months ago

Hehe. I have that too with GM games, actually - but for some reason, it only happens the second time I launch a game. The first time is fine, the second time it's an OMGVIRUSKILLITWITHFIRE.

Anyway, TUS is one of the most developed platformers around. Tons of secrets and side quests and abilities and upgrades and stuff to do. It was definitely "memorable" for me.