Movies nowadays.....

Posted by JID on May 26, 2011, 10:36 a.m.

Are running out of ideas, it's official.

and I still don't know wtf this is:

I think movies were in their prime in the late 80's and 90's.

Now, I seriously think that video games are going to replace movies one day, and then when video games start to run out of ideas, then something else will be popular, I just don't know what… All hope for humanity is lost.


Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

I went to the theater with my family a few months back, saw the trailer for Cowboys and Aliens, and we all snickered loudly.

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

The top comment on the Cowboys vs Aliens youtube vid makes me lol.

I wouldn't be surprised if they made that though, which is a shame.

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

From one of the comments:

Aaaaw, I was thinking/hoping this would be kinda like Firefly/Serenity :(
Then it might have been decent.

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

I love how serious the tone of the trailers are for these movies, yet the movies look absolutely retarded and rediculous. -_-

Who gets paid to make this shit?

Ferret 13 years, 9 months ago

Imo, Cowboys and Aliens looks amazing, one of those awesomely ridiculous movies… or ridiculously awesome.

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

Well you know, ridiculous movies (and whatever they were based on) can actually turn out well. Napoleon Dynamite was a huge hit, and apparently so was Scott Pilgrim Versus the World. I can't think of many others right off the top of my head.

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

Imo, Cowboys and Aliens looks amazing, one of those awesomely ridiculous movies… or ridiculously awesome.
Well, maybe it's just me, because, it looks rushed and not very well thought out to me, and it seems very cliche. Not the movie idea itself, but the characters and designs, also I hate when people put minimal amount of effort into something and just rush it out.

Ferret 13 years, 9 months ago

also I hate when people put minimal amount of effort into something and just rush it out.
Welcome to Hollywood, where a good amount of movies begin as great ideas, but get cut apart and throw together by the producers who try to keep the movie on as low of a budget as possible.

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

Seriously though, the movies in the 80's and 90's raped the movies of today, in my opinion. You've got classics like Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Die Hard, Independance Day(not really), there are a lot more but, eh you get it.

I say the best movie of 2000-2010 to me, was District 9, that movie was unexpectedly awesome, it reminded me of Half Life/Resident Evil/Halo/A little bit of Gears of War.

The Dark Knight was good, but it's too long to watch over and over, the Spider Man movies were also great(1 and 2, the 3rd one sucked).

Cesque 13 years, 9 months ago

Honestly? I don't think the movies nowadays are so much worse than the movies of the 80's and 90's. I can't stand most mainstream movies of the 90's, they were just random action flicks starring Schwarzenegger or some other beefed-up talentless dude.

It all boils down to the director and/or the film itself. Spielberg movies of the 90's, for example, were fucking awesome.

Not the movie idea itself, but the characters and designs, also I hate when people put minimal amount of effort into something and just rush it out.

And yet, it stars Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, and that chick from House, I mean Thirteen, I mean Olivia Wilde. In the meantime, Antonio Banderas starred in a film about a surgeon who implants a rapist with the face of his raped daughter then rapes him. Oh yeah, and there's Lindsey Lohan getting naked then dressing up as a nun in Machete, also starring De Niro as a racist redneck shooting pregnant Mexicans.

I think it just became fashionable for Hollywood stars to end their careers with ridiculous shit.

The top comment on the Cowboys vs Aliens youtube vid makes me lol.

I wouldn't be surprised if they made that though, which is a shame.

Indians vs Predators? Well, there's already Avatar (which is kind of that that but without the "vs" part)…