Anyone watch the VGAs?

Posted by JID on Dec. 10, 2011, 9:46 p.m.

Great show, there were some pretty good and interesting games that were announced and some really good and surprising trailers, especially by Naughty Dog and Bioware. Bioware got me hyped for Mass Effect 3 again.

anyone who has seen the VGA's and knows me even at the slightest knows where this blog is heading…

was anyone else extremely surprised and disappointed that MW3 got best shooter over Gears 3, Rage and Battlefield 3?

Especially considering how hard Spike was trying to insult Activision every chance they got? They even had someone t-bag an Infinity Ward employee after COD won Best shooter. lol

Honestly, Gears 3 should've won, even though I am pretty disappointed by some of its multiplayer design decisions as a long time fan, it still had a 15 hour campaign crammed with surprises and hundreds of hours of MP gameplay with horde, beast, co-op and versus. you can tell they've busted their asses to make the game, especially knowing that it was xbox's only big exclusive for the year and Bungie left MS, they had big shoes to fill. I think they've worked the hardest out of all of the shooters besides maybe Rage, cuz i dunno too much about Rage.

Battlefield 3 is decent, but a huge disappointment for me. I thought Bad Company 2 was better in so many ways. they were so focused in trying to make BF3 better than cod, that they forgot to make it better than Bad Company 2. that's all im gonna say.

Rage seems pretty decent, though I've only played a demo for it before. So I dunno if it should have won best shooter.

I've never believed that thing where people say Activision pays people off to get what they want, until today. Spike insults Activision and COD every time their name was mentioned, yet they still got best shooter…


Also, Battlefield 3 and MW3 are proof that the Military FPS genre is near-dead.


Rez 13 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, that's true, Rawr. It's still a struggle in my mind though, those games are few and far between.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

Proun, Spacechem, Sanctum, Payday:The Heist, Terraria, Magicka, and Dungeon Defenders were all released this year.

Or do you mean AAA titles on consoles? In which case there's Catherine, Trenched, Outland, the aforementioned Payday, the soon to be released Super Monday Night Combat, etc etc.

There isn't a lack of originality or creativity. Just a lack of focus on those games.
what Rawr said all the way, these games just don't get much attention and nearly all of them have been released this year, already

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

This. Give back the days of the creative FPS. Quake, Duke Nukem 3D… Games that aren't afraid of being games.
they still come out with a lot of duke nukem and old school fps games, but they all fuckin suck. also, serious sam just came out recently, dunno if that was any good though.

Eva unit-01 13 years, 2 months ago
JID 13 years, 2 months ago

you have to put the yt link in like this:

[youtube ]e91q5BtlxK0[ /youtube]

without the spaces, of course.

also, I started to ctfu at that scorpion-man-thing. why was it moving so fast? was that a mod or something? lol

Eva unit-01 13 years, 2 months ago

No, that's the developers way of countering people who pirated the game. If you download a pirated version, an immortal super fast scorpion will hunt you down…..forever.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago


colseed 13 years, 2 months ago

I think my respect for Serious Sam just went up about 60%…


Ferret 13 years, 2 months ago

Anyone watch the VGAs?
With a title like that I expected the blog to just say "Nope." but it doesn't and I am disappoint.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

i made it say nope, just for you ferret.

no, seriously, JUST FOR YOU.