What do you believe?

Posted by JID on Dec. 23, 2011, 10:25 p.m.

with Christmas coming up, it'd be cool to talk about things considering religion and your position on all that. i've always been kind of interested in what people believe, because sometimes, they say some pretty interesting and deep things that make you think.

when answering, think of some of these questions to get you started:

do you believe in god or some form of deity and do you believe they exist? why or why not.

how do you believe mankind originated?

do you believe we will ever find out how and where mankind originated with undeniable or at least somewhat creditible evidence?

what do you think of all these other planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc. and do you believe we will ever find life out there?

i am very interested in knowing what you guys think.

now, hopefully, no one will make this get out of hand, but just in case, don't post anything that is purposely offensive to others. try to keep it reasonable and please, try to keep an open mind about this.

edit: i don't think I've mentioned my religion and all that stuff i believe in.

i am christian, so yeah, i believe in god. :p

but i'm not the type of christian who forces their beliefs all over you, and judge and insult you and you're religion, if you don't believe what i do.


JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago

Oh shit Juju just broke the fourth wall.

We're just someone's shitty Computer program.

Acid 13 years, 2 months ago

I'm a Christian. I know he exists because I almost always get direct answers to my prayers quickly. Sometimes they take a bit longer, but usually within the day I'll get some form of answer. I've also seen people be healed of amazing things, right in front of me. I know people make stuff up all of the time, but my friend's father, who had back problems that made it impossible to walk without having excruciating pain and a hunch in his back, stood straight up with no pain, and left the church I was attending at the time walking straight and crying tears of joy rather than pain.

I'm kind of an exception to the RADICAL CHRISTIAN WHO HATES EVERTHING. Jesus didn't judge others, and I sure don't have the right to do so. Even though I believe somethings might be wrong, I also believe that it's not my job to try to fix other people when I have lots of my own problems. Jesus hung out with the "riffraff".

I also believe that evolution HAS to be true, at least to some extent. It doesn't make sense that we evolved from primates, and yet other less "evolved" species of primate still exist in nearby areas and that we have come to create and expand our societies to the extent that they reach today. But it only makes sense that, over hundreds/thousands/millions of years animals adapt to their environments, as well as humans.

I will say that I don't know everything. But I know that God is real. Everything in my entire life has fallen into place exactly how I wanted it to, and even more in some aspects, and I know that I owe it all to trying to be the best person I could possibly be and always trying to do what's right. I don't want to try to be that annoying self-righteous guy, and I'm not trying to brag or put myself above anyone. But I do know that while many people like to think of themselves as "good people", I know in my heart that I have always been, and always will continue to be an earnest, truthful, respectful, and kind human being.

I always try my best to never lie, swear, cheat, steal, or put others down. And I NEVER talk about anyone behind their backs. But everyone makes mistakes every once in a while.


Also, I love you guys! And I'm glad we can all talk about our beliefs in a civil manner without judgment or cruelty.

JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago

I feel like I'm the avatar of some really boring person who likes to make me think I'm going to do something cool only to just fuck it up because they don't have their userguide.


Do you know Jesus?

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

i wish God would fix this glitchy AI for some of these pidgeons with a new title update.

JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago

Watching porn.

Sounds are off.

Joking: The idiots in this house are watching Chipmunks on my second Screen.


JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago

I had my cake.

A nerd kept her away from me and made her love him more than me.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

I know he exists because I almost always get direct answers to my prayers quickly. Sometimes they take a bit longer, but usually within the day I'll get some form of answer. I've also seen people be healed of amazing things, right in front of me.
me too, my dad suffered a stroke back at about 2002, he was expected not to ever walk, talk or move one of his arms ever again, but about a year later, he was able to do all of these things just fine. and now he's talking, walking and moving great and normal.

edit: lol, i put

Acid 13 years, 2 months ago

Thanks cyrus! :D

Again, please don't think I'm bragging I'm just telling you guys how my life is:

I don't have a rich lifestyle. I've always lived at lower-middle class (sometimes lower class) standards my whole life. But I've been blessed with so many things, that I actually feel like my life is fake sometimes.

I'm 18 years old. I have a wife, I have my college paid for even though I got mediocre grades, my immediate family is back in my life again, and I'm living comfortably in my own apartment AND in college. I have an abundance of video games and tech, I have a job at the only Vans shop in Ohio (vans have been pretty much the only shoe I wore since I was 12).

I regularly have conversations with my wife because she can also see that stuff just ALWAYS works out for me and I don't know why.

I'm actually constantly afraid everything is going to come crashing down because I can't comprehend that life could actually be this good… especially with how it was when I was young.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

yeah, fuck depression

JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago

^ I read this comment and stopped writing my Emoblog.