No More DRM

Posted by JID on June 19, 2013, 4:13 p.m.


Acid 11 years, 7 months ago

Now that they have changed their business model, there really doesn't seem to be a single advantage that the Xbox One has over the PS4. I really only care about specs and indie games, and the PS4 is the clear leader there.

inb4 someone says they have the same specs - Their APUs have slightly different architecture - they share VERY similar CPUs, but the PS4 has a better GPU and larger bandwidth for the GDDR5 RAM. Some people might say that the One has DDR3 RAM with lower latency so it levels it out and the addition of ESRAM on the motherboard that will boost the bandwidth, but those people are stupid because, while it's close, it's not the same thing - the bandwidth is still lower…

tl;dr - PS4 has better specs and self-publishing (aka more indies) so I'm getting one of those first. I'll worry about MS and Ninendo's consoles later… But I WILL absolutely get them.


JuurianChi 11 years, 7 months ago

Acid's Comment:

Also, Square Enix does not rule out the possibility of launching Final Fantasy XV for PC.

F1ak3r 11 years, 7 months ago

Well, the Xbone jokes have been fun. Still not going to buy a console, but I think now I'll not buy the Xbox One at little less.

Ferret 11 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, if I can say anything for sure, the winner from all of this is PC. Both PS4 and One having such similar architecture to PC's, DRM and consumer policies being improved, and indies getting some much deserved attention so they can keep developing! Yay! Yeah I really don't think I'll be buy a console. Possibly later if the exclusives are enticing.

JuurianChi 11 years, 7 months ago

I think the BIG factor with this next generation of games is that a NEW Digital Download sales model needs to be developed.

Nobody really says anything about Sony, because we've already done the song and dance with them on Digital.

When the PSN first launched, friends could download your games by logging into your account on their own machine. Sony freaked out and said, "You can't do that!" and put blocks in place to prevent it for every Store item bought after a certain date.

But since then, they've rebuilt their sales model to be a lot more fair and Steam like.

And most people seem to miss that point. It's like, just because they didn't mention any of that older stuff at E3, doesn't mean it's not apart of their focus. Digital is huge shit for them.

I read some of the stuff The Microsoft guy said on /b/ and he made some good points, but in a nutshell, they're not really doing anything we haven't already seen everyone else do.

It's just a different experience for the same all encompassing audience, as usual.

Like sure, TV on my console is kinda cool. But personally, I'd rather just download the show Via Netflix, Amazon Prime, THB, etc. Which doesn't make it any less of an interesting product, it's just Microsoft being out of touch with MY interests as usual.

Apparently both consoles will have some sort of cloud based backend, which is cool.

Microsoft might make theirs Free, and Sony is reserving theirs for PS+ subscribers.

But I don't think Sony would make that move if it wasn't already logical to do so.

Over 89% of PS3 owners are Plus members anyway and Plus is actually very inexpensive for what you get out of it. IF the prices for plus never change, I would be concerned if Sony isn't really shooting themselves in the foot for projected losses (Like Netflix apparently. Cloud Streaming is costly guys.)

In the end, both parties make decent well thought out attempts for my money (Microsoft gets the nod for backing off on the Region locking).

Sony just typically has hardware that sports content and features that I enjoy more than what an average American might.

Average= Religious Television watching, Sports, Call of Duty, Kinect, etc

(FYI. I never liked Eye Toy, or the Wii controller. I'm not "hating on" Xbox or whatever have you)

Whereas, I know with a Sony console I'll be guaranteed three things that are always relevant to my interests.

-Games by Naughty Dog

-Interesting games from companies like Level-5 (RPGs, well written puzzle games, etc)

-And Lolis

But like I said, outside of a few aesthetic factors, both companies are doing the same things.

And then there's Nintendo saying "Hey, Juurian. We got a new copy of that Wind Waker game you never played, wanna hang out some time, Bro?"

And then we have PC sitting back at home in Silicon Valley smoking weed and brooding about the Consoles. Silently whispering to itself-

"I made you assholes."

firestormx 11 years, 7 months ago

Who are you, and what have you done with JuurianChi?

That was too straight forward, well formed, consistesnt, and displayed too much of an opinion, to be a Juurian comment. o_o

Edit: Not meant to be insulting. :(

JuurianChi 11 years, 7 months ago


Acid 11 years, 7 months ago

Also, I played Uncharted for the first time because PS+ gave the third one away for free… I feel like an idiot for not playing those games sooner.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 7 months ago

Uncharted 2 is the best out the series man. You need to get on that!

Cesque 11 years, 7 months ago

I'm concerned. So much backtracking for something they have been trying to promote so strongly. Definitely good for the people, this is a victory in consumer rights. However my faith is shaken, and I'm sure others are too.

Ditto. I imagine Microsoft management just hoping to postpone the plan a couple of years. In fact, I imagine Sony doing the same thing.

My favourite part is how prior to withdrawing from certain ideas due to public backlash, companies are trying to show how necessary they are. "Like, you have to be connected every 24 hours, otherwise nothing will work! …wait, you don't like this and threaten us with a boycott? …oh hey, look, turns out it's not necessary after all."