Nobody's new game.
Posted by JW on Nov. 24, 2007, 8:53 a.m.
Pixel Warlords is special in a certain way. Why? It uses a resolution of 80x60. The game is about a soldier who goes and kills terrorist warlords. You fight them with different weapons, and in different areas. Demo 02 contains the first area of the game. Do note …
JW's stuff.
Posted by JW on Nov. 21, 2007, 1:52 p.m.
Some stuff scraped together from the poppenkast
80x60 game gameplay movieMusic! D:Some are good, some are jokes, some are bad. I'm not made for music. Opinions? attack lol.midI talked to Tim W. today, he is awesome.About the microgame: It's called pixel warlords. …
Posted by JW on Nov. 9, 2007, 1:24 p.m.
Also Project Hotseat still lacks fame, if anyone feels like helping me get publicity, that'd be nice.http://hotseat.thepoppenkast.comAdding the weapons is pain. Anyway, so far:NoneWhen the player has no weapon, his only attack is jumping on his opponent. Not that this is bad, it deals …
Nobody has news.
Posted by JW on Nov. 7, 2007, 2:21 p.m.
Thanks to the beloved beam, project hotseat now has a website.
Project HotseatI still need to add a shitload of content, but that won't bother me. The thing is that I've got a great game.I'm also back working on BM.FIRST BOSSslordig: Elloweener
Posted by JW on Oct. 31, 2007, 3:41 p.m.
Elloweener HE (halloween edition) has now been released.You can find it here. It's the first poppen exclusive game.Check out the story mode conversations, and some more stuff.Also, everyone should be sure to join the poppenkast forums for exclusive testing material, cheats, and just plain fun. …hmhm JW
Posted by JW on Oct. 28, 2007, 12:41 p.m.
Elloweener is doing fine, but I'm gonna have a hard time completing it for halloween. Story mode will need 4 more bosses, and the unlocking thingeys must be implented. I might release this one as the halloween edition, and later release a deluxe thingey, perhaps for around $5. D: …