Pixel Warlords is special in a certain way. Why? It uses a resolution of 80x60. The game is about a soldier who goes and kills terrorist warlords. You fight them with different weapons, and in different areas. Demo 02 contains the first area of the game. Do note that it is scaled to 640x480, and for now some pixels are rotated in an impossible way or look weird. Just try it out, and enjoy it.
I love that fucking graphic style in your banner… >_>
Needs check points.
It only takes like 5 mins to complete…
Nice graphic style.
I can see how they look in my head.The point with small reso is that you gotta u se your head and fantasy to get a picture of how the game really looks.And besides that with checkpoints…i don't care.Just make me happy ^^Looks slordig. [;)]
yea, definitely slordig… and überklein :P
XD @ rotating sprites
Needs check points.
It's easy as hell. Beat it easily. Doesn't need checkpoint, just better controls.