http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/8114/tekeningenor9.pnggangster inspired by tekkonkinkreet but turned out differenthttp://img213.imageshack.us/img213/606/slordigcitydg2.pngperspective practicehttp://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1903/zelfportretpd7.pngfailure at self portrait, looks too girlyhttp://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9766/monsterbridgetr9.pnghe forgot his hateverybody should get gray markersSLORDIGslordig.com is doing quite well, perhaps v2 will come this monthGAMESyeah, 03http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/781/bny3pc1.pnghttp://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1303/bny4pl9.pngMUSICfeedereelspostal servicesublimestereo totalmadnessPOPPENKASTgo and try psychosomnium by cactus, good game
Feeder! :D I have seen them live. They are so good.
What is little about this content. >: ( It took me a lot of time making that game and those drawings.
Blogs are text, thats what. Don't refront blogs.
The point is this blog has a lot of content. I'm giving an update of what I'm doing atm, and I do it in a short way so people don't have to read loads of shit about my personal life, like most people here seem to do… I just don't see why this can't be on the frontpage. It's just as important as most of the crap you can read there.
Sublime - Date rape. Hahaha :D
Psychosomnium's awesome!Slordig drawings! Your self portrait looks like me with a goatee.
Hey, you have to update your avatar!
It's a L.
Or a shoe.
nm, changed it. :D