Ninja Hunter & A poppenkast competition.

Posted by JW on Jan. 30, 2008, 9:55 a.m.

Poppenkast is currently having a little 2 hour game creation competition. Anyone can join!

What can you win? Well, if you enter something that really impresses us, perhaps a nomination…


Oh, and my entry:



For every pest there is a solution.

Do you have ninja's in your cellar? Call ninja hunter! With his acrobatic skills he'll make sure those annoying creatures won't bother you anymore!

wasd move

lmb shoots

rmb uses grapling hook

More news? Well, I released an alien hunter demo in my previous blog, but didn't get any replies. Probably because of the apocalypse. What's with huntergames anyway? D:

Oh and the band of the week is CSS.

Keep it slordig!



ludamad 17 years ago

I'd join the competition if I didn't have to join that forum xD

ESA 17 years ago

The competition sounds interesting. I might enter something.

Also, there is a really easy way to get heaps of kills in your game. I won't say how, though :D

JW 17 years ago

Yeah, camping (I assume you mean that) is quite easy in this game. But because of the 2 hour limit I couldn't really make more enemy types or tweak any more.

Did you like it btw?

PY 17 years ago

That was fun.

After the compo, I'd advise you take this further.

The physics could be improved, I noticed that flinging a ninja into another ninja doesn't seem to send them both flinging to their doom, but it's a very cool game.

I'd also suggest running it through the vista-converter, because I have vista. <_<

JW 17 years ago

Thanks. :)

I will continue this probably, wanna make more enemies and weapons and stuff. And yeah, I should've converted, but forgot about it. The full version will be vista compatible then.

ESA 17 years ago

Camping is what I mean.

Do I like it? But of course! For 2 hours of work, it turned out to be a great game. Totally your style. It's simple and effective. I can definitely see this becoming a full-length game. AI could be improved, but it's an awesome game so far.

edmunn 17 years ago

I may join, it depends what i'm doing this weekend.

marbs 17 years ago

Fun game. I liked swinging around :D

At the end of the game I got an error - destroy event of obj_ninja, error in code at line 3, Player.kills += 1, unknown variable kills. Im assuming this happened because I shot, then died, then my shots killed some ninjas, however the player object no longer existed =)

NoodleNog 17 years ago

Nice game you got thar. Love rappelling in the ninjas and giving them a face full of lead. Great. Shame the framerate gets really low when there are lots of ninjas, but hey.

ultim8p00 17 years ago

I will hack and decompile your game. If you have a problem. Don't complain to me about it. Go talk to GearGOD