Food, Chicks, Action and Games!

Posted by JW on May 6, 2006, 7:56 a.m.

Okay, now I've got you're attention. Hehe, isn't it evil that I can somehow make you read this, just because you must like at least a part of this title? :D

Anyway, I would like some more people to play Archer, since I only posted the game, but no blog about this. Since Archer has at least got action, and well, some of the enemies might be chicks, it fits to be in this blog! Oh yeah, it is also a game. Post you'r highscores in the topic btw. :)

More news:

-True Metal keeps going on, Feared is supposed to have finished the inventory by now, but he fell asleep behind is pc. :/

-I've still got 100 of gm ideas, but because of the awesome weather here I won't make all of them. :P

-I watched Ice Age 2, and got inspired by the evil fish there, I want to make some kind of evolution topdown underwatergame where you play as an evil predator fish… Any ideas?


poultry 18 years, 9 months ago

i watched Ice Age 1, and i thought it sucked. lol

Master_Kakashi 18 years, 9 months ago

1 is a good movie, not a classic by any stretch.

Malaika 18 years, 9 months ago

I reviewed it on the GMG. The rating will be up soonish.

Malaika 18 years, 9 months ago

Oh, and try getting EVO - its an old nintendo game where you evolve and stuff. pretty cool

InTheDark 18 years, 9 months ago

Number 1, pretty pathetic, didnt see number 2.

And evolution… isnt that baicly like the idea of the average fish evolution game. Eat smaller fish to grow larger, a few enemies, maybe some specials.

JW 18 years, 9 months ago

Oh god, is that that awesome game where you swim around and get like new heads and fins? :D I once played that on an emulator with loads of games… It was fun, I believe you could even get on the land and stuff… :)

Alpha Man 18 years, 9 months ago

Oh god, is that that awesome game where you swim around and get like new heads and fins? :D I once played that on an emulator with loads of games… It was fun, I believe you could even get on the land and stuff… :)

Is it alright if I spoil the ending? —



The Search for Eden is good, but the ending was pathetic. And the last few bosses were kind of easy… Plus EVO was made by Enix, the best game company of all time — Until they fused with Square, the suckiest damn company you could ever come across… Unless you were counting Microsoft in this.

cactus 18 years, 9 months ago

I got a really weird ending on EVO: Search for Eden when I played it a couple of years ago. I somehow reached Eden as a flesh eating deer with a dinosaur tail and an elongated neck… I thought you were supposed to become a man before the game ended :(

raketooy 18 years, 7 months ago

Hehe, the title owns.