I beat Donkey Kong Country. Fortunately I have Donkey Kong Country 2 & 3 to take the edge off of that let down. I've also been playing a pretty amazing game (non-GM) called Excellent Bifurcation, which got second to Clean Asia! in the Shmup_Dev contest. You should play it. Frankly, except for the music, I'm not sure Clean Asia! is actually any better. In it, you control two ships at once. Lots of crazy bullet-dodging action.

I'm eating an English muffin right now. It's pretty good. It's snowing right now. In freaking April. And it's sticking. Life sucks. I mean, I like snow, but not on Spring Break.
I leave you with a story:
Once, there was a kid who took his mom's hairspray, climbed his dad's latter, sprayed a bunch of cloroflourocarbons into the atmosphere, and then got sucked into space through the hole in the ozone layer that his doing so had created.
Ah, I forgot to check that game out. Will do that soon.
Good story [:D]That looks crazy.
I forgot hows GMG? I haven't visited in…
a year.GMG has been offline for like 4 days
GMG has been down for a very long time,I think I noticed about a month or so ago
Oh Yeah! Donkey Kong Country!!!
The second one was the greatest game ever made! What are you playing the games on? Gba or snes?I've beat 1 and 2 never played 3. I want to get a wii for those games!-ElmerniteI'm playing them on an emulator. :( I don't have an SNES anymore. One advantage of the emulator, though, is that I can save state on the really difficult levels.
Donkey Kong Country series are great to play on Zsnesw online function (I actually tried it with one of the people I know online). You take turns one after another (when the first person dies, switches, or a new level starts) and you can watch the other person play :)
That's awesome. ZSNES is the one I've got, too.
DKC is one of the best series on the SNES. Well, I've beaten all completely, except for the original. Still have to find the rest of the bonus areas. Good luck, then.